Square Dance Clubs in Dallas
- Square dancing is done with four couples making up a square, but the dance can include more couples and more squares. One person is the caller, and calls out the steps dancers should make. Two styles of square dance popular in the U.S. are traditional, and modern western. Many square dancing enthusiasts join clubs to share their love of square dancing with others. There are several square dance clubs in the Dallas area.
- Lone Star Solos Square Dance Club meets every second and fourth Tuesday and is open to everyone. Visitors are greeted by club members acting as door greeters, and are offered refreshments. Some meetings are for special events such as a new dance or a game night party. The club often has "visitation," which is meeting another square dance club for a dance. Lone Star offers square dance lessons on Tuesdays nights.
Lone Star Solos Square Dance Club
Knights of Columbus Hall
10110 Shoreview Rd.
Dallas, TX 75238
(972) 840-3568
lonestarsolos.com - Solitaires Square & Round Dance Club meets the second Saturday of each month. The club also plans special dances around holidays such as Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day. Square-dance lessons are occasionally offered. In addition to square dancing, club members take part in round dancing. This is similar to ballroom dancing, but the steps are called out the way they are called in square dancing. Solitaires is open to single and couple dancers.
Solitaires Square Dance Club
Chapel Hill United Methodist Church
12411 Templeton Trail
Farmers Branch, TX 75234
(682) 429-9530
solitaires1.com - The Yellow Rockers Square Dance Club is a Dallas area group that meets the first and third Thursdays of each month. Square dancing is done with a partner, but Yellow Rockers don't require you to have a partner to attend their meetings. Dancers they call "Angels" are available to dance with those who need a partner. The club also gives square dance lessons.
Yellow Rockers
White Rock United Methodist Church
1450 Old Gate Lane
Dallas, TX 75218
yellowrockers.com - Texas Reelers Square & Round Dance Club meets the first and third Fridays of every month. The group also meets for club business meetings once each quarter and for special events such as parties, tea for ladies, or dinners to install new officers. Texas Reelers also take part in dance visitations with other local square dance clubs. Square-dance lessons are offered and the club website has a section with information and dancing tips for beginners. You can also view photos of some of the club's events.
Texas Reelers Square & Round Dance Club
Richardson Senior Citizen Center
820 West Arapaho
Richardson, TX 75080
(972) 235- 9632
Lone Star Solos Square Dance Club
Solitaires Square Dance Club
Yellow Rockers Square Dance Club
Texas Reelers Square & Round Dance Club