Rifle Shot Placement On Deer - Deer Blind Placement
Rifle Shot Placement On Deer
With the right placement and concealment, using a ground blind can be just as effective as using an elevated stand. Deer will rarely spot you if you use these tips to conceal your blind. Deer see sharp edges very clearly, so don't set up your blind on a hill or ridge, where its profile will stand in stark contrast with the sky. Set up in an area with background cover that is at least as tall and wide as your blind, for example at the base of a hill, in a dip in the terrain, or in front of a stand of trees.
Find a good hiding spot where the natural vegetation breaks up the pattern of the landscape, such as a scraggly stand of trees, low-hanging branches, a wild mix of grass and brush, a downed tree, or a large pile of wood or hay. Your hiding place will vary depending on the landscape. If the spot you want to set up your blind lacks natural cover, you can make your own. Drag a pile of dead branches over to your lucky spot to draw attention away from your blind and to make your blind look less out of place.
The cover behind you should be the thick and full. It should be as tall and wide as your blind and have few if any "holes"--places where the sky shows through--in order to fully conceal your profile. You need less cover in front and to the side than in the background. Pay attention to the shadow cast by your blind. If possible, set up so that your shadow is swallowed up by the shadow of trees or other tall landmarks around you. Rifle Shot Placement On Deer
If you know the trail a deer typically follows, don't set up your blind where the deer will walk straight towards it. Set up at an angle to the trail so that the deer is less likely to see your blind. If possible, position yourself so that the deer, following its usual route, will be angled away from or broadside to your blind.
Another concealment trick is to set up decoys to distract game and draw their attention away from your blind. Depending on the type of hunting you do, decoys may or may not be a good option. If the decoys seem unnatural to a deer, they can work against you rather than for you.
To keep deer from sniffing you out, check the wind direction and set up your blind downwind from where the deer will approach you. Spray your hunting blind, clothes, and equipment with an odor neutralizer to further conceal your scent.
If you hunt on private land, the best way to keep game from balking at the sight of your blind is to set it up well before you plan to hunt. Before long, the deer will come to accept your blind as a natural part of the landscape. They'll walk right past your blind without a second glance, setting you up for the perfect shot come opening day. Rifle Shot Placement On Deer
With the right placement and concealment, using a ground blind can be just as effective as using an elevated stand. Deer will rarely spot you if you use these tips to conceal your blind. Deer see sharp edges very clearly, so don't set up your blind on a hill or ridge, where its profile will stand in stark contrast with the sky. Set up in an area with background cover that is at least as tall and wide as your blind, for example at the base of a hill, in a dip in the terrain, or in front of a stand of trees.
Find a good hiding spot where the natural vegetation breaks up the pattern of the landscape, such as a scraggly stand of trees, low-hanging branches, a wild mix of grass and brush, a downed tree, or a large pile of wood or hay. Your hiding place will vary depending on the landscape. If the spot you want to set up your blind lacks natural cover, you can make your own. Drag a pile of dead branches over to your lucky spot to draw attention away from your blind and to make your blind look less out of place.
The cover behind you should be the thick and full. It should be as tall and wide as your blind and have few if any "holes"--places where the sky shows through--in order to fully conceal your profile. You need less cover in front and to the side than in the background. Pay attention to the shadow cast by your blind. If possible, set up so that your shadow is swallowed up by the shadow of trees or other tall landmarks around you. Rifle Shot Placement On Deer
If you know the trail a deer typically follows, don't set up your blind where the deer will walk straight towards it. Set up at an angle to the trail so that the deer is less likely to see your blind. If possible, position yourself so that the deer, following its usual route, will be angled away from or broadside to your blind.
Another concealment trick is to set up decoys to distract game and draw their attention away from your blind. Depending on the type of hunting you do, decoys may or may not be a good option. If the decoys seem unnatural to a deer, they can work against you rather than for you.
To keep deer from sniffing you out, check the wind direction and set up your blind downwind from where the deer will approach you. Spray your hunting blind, clothes, and equipment with an odor neutralizer to further conceal your scent.
If you hunt on private land, the best way to keep game from balking at the sight of your blind is to set it up well before you plan to hunt. Before long, the deer will come to accept your blind as a natural part of the landscape. They'll walk right past your blind without a second glance, setting you up for the perfect shot come opening day. Rifle Shot Placement On Deer