Being Thankful In A Chaotic World
What can we give thanks for these days? The economy is sinking, terrorism abounds, rogue countries are building nuclear devices and natural disasters, including earthquakes, fires and floods, erupt around the planet.
Famine and civil war threaten many.
Even so, there is much to be thankful for.
He knows the end from the beginning.
Prayer is free.
Prayers of a believer are powerful.
Children are a gift.
We can take joy in being with them as much as possible.
Spouses, partners and friends are a blessing which whom we can vent, congratulate, laugh and cry.
We have food.
If we have excess, we can share, thereby receiving and giving pleasure.
Our constitution guarantees free speech.
We must guard this right.
Being offended is the individual's problem, not the speaker's.
Your attitude determines your altitude in life.
We can volunteer.
Someone in your community may need assistance.
Running errands and visiting the elderly and among many small tasks you can do for others.
It is in the serving of the needy that we are exalted and promoted.
Give of yourself and you will be blessed.
Our military, law enforcement and firemen give much of themselves to protect us.
Be thankful.
In many countries, the individual needs protection from them.
We can own property, a privilege much of the world does not enjoy.
We have the freedom to choose and pursue an occupation.
We have the freedom to drive, bus, fly anywhere in the United States without checkpoints, or travel papers.
Perhaps, at the table before enjoying the meal, everyone could voice an individual thank-you for all to consider.
Football can wait a few minutes.
Yes, America is wounded, but still unique.
The subject of American exceptionalism is widely debated these days.
Let's celebrate for all the above reasons, and many more this Thanksgiving Day.
God is Good, and Good overcomes evil.
Truth always wins.
Famine and civil war threaten many.
Even so, there is much to be thankful for.
- God is still in control.
(Read Revelation) - We can pray
- We have the joy of our families and good friends.
- We have food.
Perhaps too much, according to the obesity police - We have free speech
- We can own property and choose an occupation
- America is wounded but still fighting; still the Land of the Free
- We have the freedom to travel
He knows the end from the beginning.
Prayer is free.
Prayers of a believer are powerful.
Children are a gift.
We can take joy in being with them as much as possible.
Spouses, partners and friends are a blessing which whom we can vent, congratulate, laugh and cry.
We have food.
If we have excess, we can share, thereby receiving and giving pleasure.
Our constitution guarantees free speech.
We must guard this right.
Being offended is the individual's problem, not the speaker's.
Your attitude determines your altitude in life.
We can volunteer.
Someone in your community may need assistance.
Running errands and visiting the elderly and among many small tasks you can do for others.
It is in the serving of the needy that we are exalted and promoted.
Give of yourself and you will be blessed.
Our military, law enforcement and firemen give much of themselves to protect us.
Be thankful.
In many countries, the individual needs protection from them.
We can own property, a privilege much of the world does not enjoy.
We have the freedom to choose and pursue an occupation.
We have the freedom to drive, bus, fly anywhere in the United States without checkpoints, or travel papers.
Perhaps, at the table before enjoying the meal, everyone could voice an individual thank-you for all to consider.
Football can wait a few minutes.
Yes, America is wounded, but still unique.
The subject of American exceptionalism is widely debated these days.
Let's celebrate for all the above reasons, and many more this Thanksgiving Day.
God is Good, and Good overcomes evil.
Truth always wins.