How to Eliminate Snow Mold From a Lawn
1Avoid using excess fertilizer in the fall. Fertilizer containing a high amount of nitrogen should not be applied to lawns in the fall because it may make the snow mold problem worse. The application of a moderate amount of nitrogen may help the lawn recover in the spring.
Mow the lawn until the grass has completely stopped growing in the fall. Tall grass is much more susceptible to both types of snow mold because it bends under the weight of snow, mats and creates a breeding area for mold.
Reduce thatch in the lawn. A healthy lawn should only have about 1/2 inch of thatch. Reduce the thatch layer to help prevent snow mold from growing.
Rake fall leaves from the lawn. When snow mats down fallen leaves on top of the grass, it creates a breeding ground for snow mold. Remove all leaves and other lawn debris in the fall.