Tired of Missing Your Ex - Time For a Change! How to Make Your Ex Miss You
You have tried every trick in the book to get your ex to notice you again and nothing has worked.
But there is a way to turn the tables on your ex and make him or her pay attention to you! So, what's the big secret? Stay away.
Do not call.
Do not even look his or her way should you accidentally meet.
No one likes to be ignored.
And the fact is your ex may have been secretly enjoying seeing you go crazy for him or her.
now what? Engage the 'no contact' rule.
Allow you and your ex a time-out, an allotment of time away from one another.
This will give you both time to sort out your feelings about one another and what changes to incorporate into a new relationship.
The fact is, something went terribly wrong with the relationship and further contact at this point will only do more harm than good.
Use this opportunity to renew yourself! Relax! You can even learn to enjoy this time apart from your ex! You are after all, two separate entities.
Cultivate some of the opportunities you may have passed up while you were absorbed with your ex.
Although it sounds strange, your occupation with anything other than your ex, can become a powerful attraction to your ex.
Suddenly, you will become the only thing on your ex's mind! The truth of the matter is, absence absolutely makes the heart grow fonder! While you are spending this time soul-searching, your ex may well decide that he or she made a huge mistake in their life! The most important thing in their life is slipping from them, you! Either way you will have come a very long way in either developing a new relationship or moving on to the true, true love of your life.
Congratulations on either move, you will have made the best possible choices for yourself and your ex! You will have discovered the best path toward what is best for the most important person of all, you!
But there is a way to turn the tables on your ex and make him or her pay attention to you! So, what's the big secret? Stay away.
Do not call.
Do not even look his or her way should you accidentally meet.
No one likes to be ignored.
And the fact is your ex may have been secretly enjoying seeing you go crazy for him or her.
now what? Engage the 'no contact' rule.
Allow you and your ex a time-out, an allotment of time away from one another.
This will give you both time to sort out your feelings about one another and what changes to incorporate into a new relationship.
The fact is, something went terribly wrong with the relationship and further contact at this point will only do more harm than good.
Use this opportunity to renew yourself! Relax! You can even learn to enjoy this time apart from your ex! You are after all, two separate entities.
Cultivate some of the opportunities you may have passed up while you were absorbed with your ex.
Although it sounds strange, your occupation with anything other than your ex, can become a powerful attraction to your ex.
Suddenly, you will become the only thing on your ex's mind! The truth of the matter is, absence absolutely makes the heart grow fonder! While you are spending this time soul-searching, your ex may well decide that he or she made a huge mistake in their life! The most important thing in their life is slipping from them, you! Either way you will have come a very long way in either developing a new relationship or moving on to the true, true love of your life.
Congratulations on either move, you will have made the best possible choices for yourself and your ex! You will have discovered the best path toward what is best for the most important person of all, you!