Simple Homemade Adult Acne Treatment For All Skin Types That You Can Do While You Shower
Okay, I'm going to start by clarifying the title, specifically the word "simple" I truly do mean that it will be simple, not necessarily Easy.
Now that that is out of the way, let me share with you my Simple Homemade Adult Acne treatment, that I have charged many of my clients up to $50 dollars, and they all have gladly paid for it, because you just can't put a price on clear smooth skin.
Or can you? But I'm here to give it away for FREE to you, because I believe that if you lead with your strongest assets, then you will only get more of it back.
The great thing about this simple homemade treatment is that you don't need to do it everyday, and you most certainly could, but you don't have to, the average that my clients have shared with me is between 2 to 3 days every month that they do it.
It only takes about 5 minutes, and can be done during your showering time.
You would do this after you thoroughly wash the affected areas, most of my clients wash there entire body, including face.
Then they apply it and let it sit for a minute or two, after they rinse it off, and wash a second time, just to get rid of the residue...
What am I talking about? Can you guess, and if you can do you think that it could work for you, if you did it the way I'm sharing here with you? I'm talking about Vinegar! But wait just a minute! Not just any Vinegar, Apple Cider Vinegar, but to take it one step further its got to be "Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.
" Now there are a few companies and brands out there, I don't want to push any particular one...
most of my clients and including myself have only used Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.
Its the best, because you can also drink it, so my thinking is if you can drink it, then you can use it on your body too.
So here is what you need to do: Buy yourself a bottle or two of "Organic Apple Cider Vinegar" you choose.
During your regular showering dilute or mix 3 to 4 ounces of Vinegar with water, and after you have done your first rinse with soap, apply the vinegar unto your body and face, let it sit there for a minute or two.
You can use this time to put on the conditioner, rinse it off, and apply a second rinse with soap to get rid of the residue and the smell too.
Its that simple, and all you have to do is added to your regular showering routine 2 to 3 times a week, a month you choose.
Free 30 Minute One-One Phone Consultation Details Below: For a very Special Opportunity to work personally with me, please visit my Author Bio, read through it to get more details on exactly who I'm looking for, and if this could be something that you might be particularly interested in pursuing, to get you your self esteem & Confidence back in the next 30 days Guaranteed.
Now that that is out of the way, let me share with you my Simple Homemade Adult Acne treatment, that I have charged many of my clients up to $50 dollars, and they all have gladly paid for it, because you just can't put a price on clear smooth skin.
Or can you? But I'm here to give it away for FREE to you, because I believe that if you lead with your strongest assets, then you will only get more of it back.
The great thing about this simple homemade treatment is that you don't need to do it everyday, and you most certainly could, but you don't have to, the average that my clients have shared with me is between 2 to 3 days every month that they do it.
It only takes about 5 minutes, and can be done during your showering time.
You would do this after you thoroughly wash the affected areas, most of my clients wash there entire body, including face.
Then they apply it and let it sit for a minute or two, after they rinse it off, and wash a second time, just to get rid of the residue...
What am I talking about? Can you guess, and if you can do you think that it could work for you, if you did it the way I'm sharing here with you? I'm talking about Vinegar! But wait just a minute! Not just any Vinegar, Apple Cider Vinegar, but to take it one step further its got to be "Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.
" Now there are a few companies and brands out there, I don't want to push any particular one...
most of my clients and including myself have only used Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.
Its the best, because you can also drink it, so my thinking is if you can drink it, then you can use it on your body too.
So here is what you need to do: Buy yourself a bottle or two of "Organic Apple Cider Vinegar" you choose.
During your regular showering dilute or mix 3 to 4 ounces of Vinegar with water, and after you have done your first rinse with soap, apply the vinegar unto your body and face, let it sit there for a minute or two.
You can use this time to put on the conditioner, rinse it off, and apply a second rinse with soap to get rid of the residue and the smell too.
Its that simple, and all you have to do is added to your regular showering routine 2 to 3 times a week, a month you choose.
Free 30 Minute One-One Phone Consultation Details Below: For a very Special Opportunity to work personally with me, please visit my Author Bio, read through it to get more details on exactly who I'm looking for, and if this could be something that you might be particularly interested in pursuing, to get you your self esteem & Confidence back in the next 30 days Guaranteed.