Employment - What Are Your Options?
Hi everyone my name is Simon - An IT specialist, and a freelance Graphic Designer with experience in the field of working from home.
I started using working from home websites to build up to where I am today, and which is why I'm here to share my knowledge so that others can benefit.
In today's society we don't always have the options to go and find a job.
We don't even have the time to make a coffee, meet up with our pals or generally enjoy ourselves with the time we have.
Our time is restricted literally by have someone over your shoulder watching you as the hours go by.
I know, I'm a full- time technician, I know how it feels to have my time monitored, and answering to the same people all the time.
There are other option's though, and that's self employment.
Self employment is a massive market, you need to find what works for you.
I work for myself, and no, its not through these articles, but through self promotion.
Self employment is a direct result of how much effort you put into getting it to work, and the research behind the plan.
You often see many places that advertise jobs that promote self employment explaining that you will make thousands of dollars in the first month alone of your efforts.
This can happen, its rare, but I'll be honest with you, its possible.
Knowing your market is extremely important, and knowing your self-employment target audience is also crucial.
Take myself for example, I know that I need to know my stuff, I need to know my clients and I NEED to know my business.
These 3 factors are always overlooked by the want to start getting self employed, in which people go in over their head and spend money on aspects of their jobs they do not need.
I'm going to provide you some tips in deciding what jobs are out there, the ones to watch out for and what are viable options for people that DO want to WORK from home.
Step 1: Find out what you like? Finding out what you like will give you passion.
Passion is contagious, it infects people, it pass to your clients and they SEE your enthusiasm.
Get started, have the want to promote yourself and it will rub off onto the people you do business with.
Step 2: Is there a market for what I like? What the really means is, " Is there a market for me?" - me being what your selling.
Looking at the market objectively means that you must breakdown what it is your selling.
Ask yourself these questions:
1 is the MOST common.
People pick what they love and forget about the market that is currently out there for such a product to sell - or have joined up with a program that's market is in an area that is extremely hard to expand in.
Look for markets you have knowledge in, or time to spend on to build such knowledge.
2 Is important, if your starting from scratch, how much does it cost you? Can you be running at a loss? It has happened, where just to get customers people will sell below their profit margin to secure a word of mouth, advertisement transaction.
Sometimes this is necessary, but needs to be done sparingly to generate new leads.
3 What is my target audience is a MUST to have researched at least a little in.
Essentially you could be self-employed selling online, to selling in the streets, if you don't know your audience, you do not know who you are selling to.
Lastly, Do you believe in the product, again, will effect the way your audience sees you.
You cant sell a product you know is doing harm, or simply not doing what it is promising, this WILL show to your customers, especially when you try to justify the means to an ends for them.
Selling what you would want, providing a service you know people need, and promoting concepts to people that can help them shows to your audience not only do you believe in the product, it actually works.
In relation to self employment, there are so many avenues to pick from, that it can be confusing sometimes.
There are survey sites, at home jobs, writing jobs, opinion jobs, you name it - you can work for yourself any place, any time.
For me, I've chosen a freelance work that I have obtained from an online website myself, which is part and parcel why I'm writing this article.
It is something that I have made profit from, and something I believe others need to know about and deserve to know about.
I'm going to keep posting job's available at given times and little business tips for not only those that want to be self employed but those looking for a job.
I'm also an IT specialist so I will be reviewing software, and letting you know my choices on more articles to come.
Cant wait to hear from you, hope you have taken something away from this article, have an awesome day! - Simon
I started using working from home websites to build up to where I am today, and which is why I'm here to share my knowledge so that others can benefit.
In today's society we don't always have the options to go and find a job.
We don't even have the time to make a coffee, meet up with our pals or generally enjoy ourselves with the time we have.
Our time is restricted literally by have someone over your shoulder watching you as the hours go by.
I know, I'm a full- time technician, I know how it feels to have my time monitored, and answering to the same people all the time.
There are other option's though, and that's self employment.
Self employment is a massive market, you need to find what works for you.
I work for myself, and no, its not through these articles, but through self promotion.
Self employment is a direct result of how much effort you put into getting it to work, and the research behind the plan.
You often see many places that advertise jobs that promote self employment explaining that you will make thousands of dollars in the first month alone of your efforts.
This can happen, its rare, but I'll be honest with you, its possible.
Knowing your market is extremely important, and knowing your self-employment target audience is also crucial.
Take myself for example, I know that I need to know my stuff, I need to know my clients and I NEED to know my business.
These 3 factors are always overlooked by the want to start getting self employed, in which people go in over their head and spend money on aspects of their jobs they do not need.
I'm going to provide you some tips in deciding what jobs are out there, the ones to watch out for and what are viable options for people that DO want to WORK from home.
Step 1: Find out what you like? Finding out what you like will give you passion.
Passion is contagious, it infects people, it pass to your clients and they SEE your enthusiasm.
Get started, have the want to promote yourself and it will rub off onto the people you do business with.
Step 2: Is there a market for what I like? What the really means is, " Is there a market for me?" - me being what your selling.
Looking at the market objectively means that you must breakdown what it is your selling.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Is there really a market?
- Does the profit justify the costs?
- What is my target audience?
- Do I believe in the product?
1 is the MOST common.
People pick what they love and forget about the market that is currently out there for such a product to sell - or have joined up with a program that's market is in an area that is extremely hard to expand in.
Look for markets you have knowledge in, or time to spend on to build such knowledge.
2 Is important, if your starting from scratch, how much does it cost you? Can you be running at a loss? It has happened, where just to get customers people will sell below their profit margin to secure a word of mouth, advertisement transaction.
Sometimes this is necessary, but needs to be done sparingly to generate new leads.
3 What is my target audience is a MUST to have researched at least a little in.
Essentially you could be self-employed selling online, to selling in the streets, if you don't know your audience, you do not know who you are selling to.
Lastly, Do you believe in the product, again, will effect the way your audience sees you.
You cant sell a product you know is doing harm, or simply not doing what it is promising, this WILL show to your customers, especially when you try to justify the means to an ends for them.
Selling what you would want, providing a service you know people need, and promoting concepts to people that can help them shows to your audience not only do you believe in the product, it actually works.
In relation to self employment, there are so many avenues to pick from, that it can be confusing sometimes.
There are survey sites, at home jobs, writing jobs, opinion jobs, you name it - you can work for yourself any place, any time.
For me, I've chosen a freelance work that I have obtained from an online website myself, which is part and parcel why I'm writing this article.
It is something that I have made profit from, and something I believe others need to know about and deserve to know about.
I'm going to keep posting job's available at given times and little business tips for not only those that want to be self employed but those looking for a job.
I'm also an IT specialist so I will be reviewing software, and letting you know my choices on more articles to come.
Cant wait to hear from you, hope you have taken something away from this article, have an awesome day! - Simon