Don’t Lose Hair by Worrying about Hair Loss
Most people face the mirror at some point in their life and gasp when they see how thin their hair has become and how quickly their hairlines have receded. The saddest part about hair loss is that it is inevitable. But we need not lose all hope because it is possible to decelerate the process. And in some cases, hair loss can be properly treated with natural herbs. If one has already lost substantial amount of hair, novel solutions are available for them to perfectly conceal their balding patches. We shall first discuss how to prevent hair loss and then discuss how to mask hair loss.
Hair loss is usually caused when hair does not get enough nutrition. Malnutrition may have several reasons:
DTH: DTH or dihydrotestosterone is a hormone that prevents the hair from getting the oxygen and nutrients that it needs to grow long and healthy. If this hormone is removed from the hair bases then the hair starts getting what it needs and grows back.
Low blood supply: If the DTH problem is solved and the hair still does not grow properly, then the hair growth will have to be enhanced by increasing the blood supply to the scalp. Since blood carries oxygen and nutrients to hair, lack of proper blood supply could lead to the malnourishment of hair. This problem need not require medication as interesting options like massage are often effective remedies.
Stimulants: It is possible to stimulate hair growth by using extracts of plants like saw palmetto, gingko biloba, aloe vera, and stinging nettle. This process will work only if the hair follicles can absorb the stimulants.
Concealment of hair loss is generally done in the following ways:
Powders and Sprays: Often powders and sprays are used to color the scalp and thicken limp hair. This technique usually creates an artificial effect and is used by stage performers.
Fibers: Recently manufactures have come up with an interesting way to conceal the bald patches and create the illusion of naturally thick hair. They produce microscopic fibers from the protein that hair is made of. These fibers are designed to stick to the thinning hair and the vellus that is present even where the scalp seems apparently bare. Vellus are very small hairs that grow even after ordinary hair falls off. Since the color of the keratin fibers are matches with the color of hair, the natural look is easily achieved.
So if you are suffering from hair loss, stop worrying! There is a solution for every problem. All you have to do is, research wisely, and chose a good way to treat your problem.
Hair loss is usually caused when hair does not get enough nutrition. Malnutrition may have several reasons:
DTH: DTH or dihydrotestosterone is a hormone that prevents the hair from getting the oxygen and nutrients that it needs to grow long and healthy. If this hormone is removed from the hair bases then the hair starts getting what it needs and grows back.
Low blood supply: If the DTH problem is solved and the hair still does not grow properly, then the hair growth will have to be enhanced by increasing the blood supply to the scalp. Since blood carries oxygen and nutrients to hair, lack of proper blood supply could lead to the malnourishment of hair. This problem need not require medication as interesting options like massage are often effective remedies.
Stimulants: It is possible to stimulate hair growth by using extracts of plants like saw palmetto, gingko biloba, aloe vera, and stinging nettle. This process will work only if the hair follicles can absorb the stimulants.
Concealment of hair loss is generally done in the following ways:
Powders and Sprays: Often powders and sprays are used to color the scalp and thicken limp hair. This technique usually creates an artificial effect and is used by stage performers.
Fibers: Recently manufactures have come up with an interesting way to conceal the bald patches and create the illusion of naturally thick hair. They produce microscopic fibers from the protein that hair is made of. These fibers are designed to stick to the thinning hair and the vellus that is present even where the scalp seems apparently bare. Vellus are very small hairs that grow even after ordinary hair falls off. Since the color of the keratin fibers are matches with the color of hair, the natural look is easily achieved.
So if you are suffering from hair loss, stop worrying! There is a solution for every problem. All you have to do is, research wisely, and chose a good way to treat your problem.