Avoid These Pitfalls to Get Your Ex Back
Whew! Going through a break up isn't any fun at all.
But, even though you still have hurt feelings, you are also wondering how to get your ex back.
At the same time, you are somewhat nervous about trying to work things out.
What if you do something wrong and you totally ruin any chance you may have had of getting back together? That's a fair question.
With that in mind, here are three of the main pitfalls to avoid.
Calling constantly.
You need to give your ex some time and space after the break up.
This will actually help you and them to sort some things out and come to terms with what has happened.
By calling too often (or texting, emailing, etc.
), you're not being respectful of their needs.
So, it's best to stick to a "no contact" rule for a while.
Telling lies.
There are so many ways to lie, and all of them can get you into trouble, but there is only one way to tell the truth.
To be fair, it's not always easy to tell the truth, but right now is the time for gut-level honesty.
That includes being honest with yourself, with your ex and about your relationship.
However, being honest doesn't give you permission to be a jerk.
The key is to be tactful if the truth is unpleasant.
Talking trash.
After a break up it can be easy to say bad things about your ex.
This is not a smart move.
For one thing, there were some parts of your relationship that were meant to be private and they should stay that way.
Also, whatever you say--good or bad--will be found out.
So, as long as you are trying to get your ex back, you may as well be saying good things instead of spreading gossip.
But, even though you still have hurt feelings, you are also wondering how to get your ex back.
At the same time, you are somewhat nervous about trying to work things out.
What if you do something wrong and you totally ruin any chance you may have had of getting back together? That's a fair question.
With that in mind, here are three of the main pitfalls to avoid.
Calling constantly.
You need to give your ex some time and space after the break up.
This will actually help you and them to sort some things out and come to terms with what has happened.
By calling too often (or texting, emailing, etc.
), you're not being respectful of their needs.
So, it's best to stick to a "no contact" rule for a while.
Telling lies.
There are so many ways to lie, and all of them can get you into trouble, but there is only one way to tell the truth.
To be fair, it's not always easy to tell the truth, but right now is the time for gut-level honesty.
That includes being honest with yourself, with your ex and about your relationship.
However, being honest doesn't give you permission to be a jerk.
The key is to be tactful if the truth is unpleasant.
Talking trash.
After a break up it can be easy to say bad things about your ex.
This is not a smart move.
For one thing, there were some parts of your relationship that were meant to be private and they should stay that way.
Also, whatever you say--good or bad--will be found out.
So, as long as you are trying to get your ex back, you may as well be saying good things instead of spreading gossip.