2012 - Return of Jesus Christ?
Is 2012 the return of the Lord Jesus Christ? The Lord Jesus came as prophesied the first time to Bethlehem.
He will return to this earth again this second time, according to prophecy, as well.
There were many misunderstandings about his first coming.
Even his own disciples didn't understand how the Galilean (Jesus) could be the Messiah, for all knew the Messiah had to be born in Bethlehem.
It was only later that everyone understood the wonderful incarnation of Christ story in Luke chapter 2, how that Jesus' earthly parents fled Bethlehem after His birth, and took the babe to Egypt, at the warning of the angel.
Even so now, there are many misunderstandings about the return of Jesus Christ.
Many have set dates for the Return of Jesus Christ.
This is really quite foolish, and only self-serving and vain, for the odds are stacked against you, and you will soon join the ranks of countless others before you who guessed the date wrong.
Some believe the Return of Jesus Christ will be "spiritual", meaning that He will not return bodily, physically, and personally.
This is equally as foolish as the first point, for if the Lord Jesus came bodily the first time, and rose bodily from the grave the first time, and ascended into heaven the first time, there is no doubt that He can and will Return physically and bodily this second time.
Mayan mystics militate their myths, making much malarchy (try to say that three times) about the date 2012, and that the Return of Jesus Christ must, in some way, be tied in with that date.
2012 is being hyped up to fever pitch, but no matter how loud they shout, the truth remains that "No man knows the day, nor the hour" of the Lord's return.
This leaves, however, the question remaining, "If the return of Christ isn't December 21, 2012, then when does the Lord Jesus return?" It's sort of like a gift or a present...
It is more exciting if it is a surprise.
He will return to this earth again this second time, according to prophecy, as well.
There were many misunderstandings about his first coming.
Even his own disciples didn't understand how the Galilean (Jesus) could be the Messiah, for all knew the Messiah had to be born in Bethlehem.
It was only later that everyone understood the wonderful incarnation of Christ story in Luke chapter 2, how that Jesus' earthly parents fled Bethlehem after His birth, and took the babe to Egypt, at the warning of the angel.
Even so now, there are many misunderstandings about the return of Jesus Christ.
Many have set dates for the Return of Jesus Christ.
This is really quite foolish, and only self-serving and vain, for the odds are stacked against you, and you will soon join the ranks of countless others before you who guessed the date wrong.
Some believe the Return of Jesus Christ will be "spiritual", meaning that He will not return bodily, physically, and personally.
This is equally as foolish as the first point, for if the Lord Jesus came bodily the first time, and rose bodily from the grave the first time, and ascended into heaven the first time, there is no doubt that He can and will Return physically and bodily this second time.
Mayan mystics militate their myths, making much malarchy (try to say that three times) about the date 2012, and that the Return of Jesus Christ must, in some way, be tied in with that date.
2012 is being hyped up to fever pitch, but no matter how loud they shout, the truth remains that "No man knows the day, nor the hour" of the Lord's return.
This leaves, however, the question remaining, "If the return of Christ isn't December 21, 2012, then when does the Lord Jesus return?" It's sort of like a gift or a present...
It is more exciting if it is a surprise.