How to Learn Italian
- 1). Immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of Italy, because that's the best way to learn the language. If you can, travel to Italy and stay a while. Study Introduction to Italian at one of the many language schools in Italy. Practice Italian dialogues with others.
- 2). Read, write, speak and listen to Italian daily. You will pick up the language faster with practice.
- 3). Take a course at your local university or college. You will get practice speaking and writing, in addition to meeting fellow students to practice with. There are many online sites that offer lessons. Choose sites that have audio links to help you with pronunciation.
- 4). Listen to Italian music. Opera recordings often contain the libretto, the text of the opera in both English and Italian, in a booklet. Start with any of Puccini's popular works, such as "La Boheme," "Madame Butterfly" or "Tosca."
- 5). Purchase language tapes or CDs and listen at home or while driving. Many educational audio programs come with books or workbooks. Listen to "Dentro l'Italiano" on RAI international radio if it's available in your area.
- 6). Watch Italian movies. There are many classics such as "La dolce vita," "Ladri di biciclette" and "Il Postino."
- 7). Read novels, travel guides and books. Parallel text versions are helpful. For more advanced students, your skills can improve by reading the famous authors like Boccaccio or Petrarch. Read a modern classic like Umberto Eco's "Name of the Rose" in the original Italian.