Anti Aging Skin Care Guide - 3 Little Known Tips For Beautiful Skin
Everyone wants to know how to stay young-looking, well here's how I do it.
I find that living a healthy lifestyle does wonders for my skin.
Yes, you can use an anti aging skin care treatment like creams, collagen injections, or botox.
But you can also achieve vibrant skin without them.
When you have many unhealthy habits (ex: smoking, poor diet), the effects will show up in your skin.
Have you ever seen someone who looks 10 years older than they are? I just had a high school reunion this past summer and it was shocking how old some of my classmates looked.
While your driver's license tells people your age, your skin tells people how you live.
Follow this basic anti aging skin care guide and your skin will tell people that you live very well.
TIP #1 - Too Much Sun? Be careful about tanning your skin.
Too much exposure to UVB sunshine rays can damage skin cells and cause skin to produce less hyluronan-a susbstance that's critical for tissue repair.
When you're out in the sun, wear a hat and sunglasses.
I used to live in Denver; it's always sunny there and it's also at high elevation.
So I'm very conscious of shading my face from the sun.
Sunshine provides your body with vitamin D, but you only need 15 minutes 3 times a week of time in the sun.
There's no reason to lie out in the sun for hours.
Don't rely on sunscreens either.
They contain chemicals that harm the skin.
TIP #2 - Got Water? Drink enough water.
The body is 70 percent water and skin is the largest organ in the body.
Keep your skin hydrated by drinking 8 glasses of water a day.
Put a case of bottled water in your car so you always have it handy.
Also, it's a good idea to stop drinking soda and alcohol.
Soda and alcohol dehydrate your body and also make you feel hungry.
Switching to water will improve the look of your skin and you'll lose weight.
TIP #3 - What Am I Eating? Eat better.
Free radicals cause a lot of skin damage like wrinkles, lines, and sagging.
If you eat antioxidant foods, you can blunt the damage done by these destructive molecules.
Some good foods to add to your diet: spinach, broccoli, eggs, milk, carrots.
A diet high in fruits and vegetables is the best natural anti aging skin care treatment.
If you make strides in each of these areas, you'll see positive changes in your skin.
There's nothing complex to it.
If you beat your body up with boos, processed food, and cigarettes, your skin will reflect your bad habits.
But if you treat you body good, your skin will shine.
To accelerate skin rejuvenation, you can start using an anti aging skin care treatment.
Beware of skin care creams though.
Not all are alike.
Visit my site and find anti aging skin care guide that will help you choose the best product line.
I find that living a healthy lifestyle does wonders for my skin.
Yes, you can use an anti aging skin care treatment like creams, collagen injections, or botox.
But you can also achieve vibrant skin without them.
When you have many unhealthy habits (ex: smoking, poor diet), the effects will show up in your skin.
Have you ever seen someone who looks 10 years older than they are? I just had a high school reunion this past summer and it was shocking how old some of my classmates looked.
While your driver's license tells people your age, your skin tells people how you live.
Follow this basic anti aging skin care guide and your skin will tell people that you live very well.
TIP #1 - Too Much Sun? Be careful about tanning your skin.
Too much exposure to UVB sunshine rays can damage skin cells and cause skin to produce less hyluronan-a susbstance that's critical for tissue repair.
When you're out in the sun, wear a hat and sunglasses.
I used to live in Denver; it's always sunny there and it's also at high elevation.
So I'm very conscious of shading my face from the sun.
Sunshine provides your body with vitamin D, but you only need 15 minutes 3 times a week of time in the sun.
There's no reason to lie out in the sun for hours.
Don't rely on sunscreens either.
They contain chemicals that harm the skin.
TIP #2 - Got Water? Drink enough water.
The body is 70 percent water and skin is the largest organ in the body.
Keep your skin hydrated by drinking 8 glasses of water a day.
Put a case of bottled water in your car so you always have it handy.
Also, it's a good idea to stop drinking soda and alcohol.
Soda and alcohol dehydrate your body and also make you feel hungry.
Switching to water will improve the look of your skin and you'll lose weight.
TIP #3 - What Am I Eating? Eat better.
Free radicals cause a lot of skin damage like wrinkles, lines, and sagging.
If you eat antioxidant foods, you can blunt the damage done by these destructive molecules.
Some good foods to add to your diet: spinach, broccoli, eggs, milk, carrots.
A diet high in fruits and vegetables is the best natural anti aging skin care treatment.
If you make strides in each of these areas, you'll see positive changes in your skin.
There's nothing complex to it.
If you beat your body up with boos, processed food, and cigarettes, your skin will reflect your bad habits.
But if you treat you body good, your skin will shine.
To accelerate skin rejuvenation, you can start using an anti aging skin care treatment.
Beware of skin care creams though.
Not all are alike.
Visit my site and find anti aging skin care guide that will help you choose the best product line.