Perennial Plants for Fall Color
- Autumn Joy sedum (Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Joy') is used for year-around interest in the garden. Autumn Joy starts with silvery-green buds in the spring maturing to a deep-red color in the fall. The plant grows to approximately 18 inches tall and, like other succulents, does not need a lot of water during the growing season. Plant sedum in rock gardens filling in space in a flowerbed or as a groundcover on a steep slope. Do not remove the spent blooms in the autumn. The blooms will dry out and remain on the stem, adding interest to a planting area in the winter.
- Tickseed (Coreopsis tripteris) has an extremely long blooming season. This plant produces daisylike flowers from summer into early fall. All tickseed plants have yellow or golden blooms, except for the Coreopsis rosea, which has pink flowers. Tickseed plants grow to a mature height between 2 to 3 feet. Due to the long stems, use cut flowers for floral arrangements. After the blooms are spent, the seeds attract birds to your garden.
- Plant flowering tobacco (Nicotiana alata) as an annual or a self-sowing perennial. Most cultivars grow to up to 2 feet tall, but the Fragrant Cloud cultivar, which produces white flowers, grows to 3 feet tall. The flowers of this plant are tubular in shape and are 2 to 4 inches long. Plant flowering tobacco near porches, patios or other sitting areas.
- Asters are a true fall-blooming perennial. They only begin producing flowers in late summer and autumn. The Aster bloom resembles a small daisy and may come in shades of red, pink, purple or white. The height varies greatly between the different species. Some species, like the divaricatus Aster, grows to 1 to 2 feet tall, while larger species, like the novae-angliae Aster, reach a height of 6 feet. Use Asters in a butterfly garden to lure bees and butterflies well into the fall months.
Autumn Joy Sedum
Flowering Tobacco