Beginning Your Life Transformation
Once we lose that child-like wonder and trust of the world, we begin to experience the world from a new perspective.
This new perspective isn't helpful for creating the good stuff in our lives.
It needs to change! "Where do I start?" This is a question I hear often from people who wish to transform any part of their lives.
First of all, be assured that you have already started.
The fact that you are even reading this article is evidence of that.
Your entire life is a "work in progress.
"With the proper perspectives, life just gets better and better.
Start with your perspective.
Keep it positive! Next - turn up the fire! Decide what you want.
Really, truly WANT!Those answers are within you.
You KNOW exactly how to turn up your own fire.
You KNOW what makes you feel alive!You KNOW what makes life worthwhile for you.
You KNOW what makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning and get about the business of the day.
You also know what makes you want to stay in bed with the covers over your head.
You know what deadens you and makes you drag through your day.
Start doing the things that make you feel alive!The things you want to do.
The things that give you power and make you to glad to greet each day.
And, STOP doing those things that deaden you.
Where is it written that you should drag through your days doing things that stunt your life? You feel it in your gut.
Those things that deaden you were likely taught to you by other people.
You may have been taught what is "right" to do.
You may have also been taught that you "should" feel good about it.
Yet, it may not feel good to you at all.
Then of course, you may have those little guilt pangs because you don't feel the way you "should.
"Yikes! Now, you feel even worse!Are you beginning to see where you need to change your perceptions?You may even need to adjust your ideas about what is right and wrong.
Begin with - who said so?And, why? Never forget that you are a unique individual.
No - you are NOT "exactly like your father.
"Or, your mother.
Imagine that you buy a piece of land to build a new home.
There's an old barn sitting on the land.
Do you want to live in the barn?Probably not.
You'll most likely tear down the old barn and build your new home where it once stood.
This is where you start.
Ask yourself the questions.
An old barn standing in the way is obvious.
The things that are draining your life of joy may not be so obvious.
Or - you may be denying their existence.
But - you KNOW!You start by deciding what to throw out.
What needs to go?
This new perspective isn't helpful for creating the good stuff in our lives.
It needs to change! "Where do I start?" This is a question I hear often from people who wish to transform any part of their lives.
First of all, be assured that you have already started.
The fact that you are even reading this article is evidence of that.
Your entire life is a "work in progress.
"With the proper perspectives, life just gets better and better.
Start with your perspective.
Keep it positive! Next - turn up the fire! Decide what you want.
Really, truly WANT!Those answers are within you.
You KNOW exactly how to turn up your own fire.
You KNOW what makes you feel alive!You KNOW what makes life worthwhile for you.
You KNOW what makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning and get about the business of the day.
You also know what makes you want to stay in bed with the covers over your head.
You know what deadens you and makes you drag through your day.
Start doing the things that make you feel alive!The things you want to do.
The things that give you power and make you to glad to greet each day.
And, STOP doing those things that deaden you.
Where is it written that you should drag through your days doing things that stunt your life? You feel it in your gut.
Those things that deaden you were likely taught to you by other people.
You may have been taught what is "right" to do.
You may have also been taught that you "should" feel good about it.
Yet, it may not feel good to you at all.
Then of course, you may have those little guilt pangs because you don't feel the way you "should.
"Yikes! Now, you feel even worse!Are you beginning to see where you need to change your perceptions?You may even need to adjust your ideas about what is right and wrong.
Begin with - who said so?And, why? Never forget that you are a unique individual.
No - you are NOT "exactly like your father.
"Or, your mother.
Imagine that you buy a piece of land to build a new home.
There's an old barn sitting on the land.
Do you want to live in the barn?Probably not.
You'll most likely tear down the old barn and build your new home where it once stood.
This is where you start.
Ask yourself the questions.
An old barn standing in the way is obvious.
The things that are draining your life of joy may not be so obvious.
Or - you may be denying their existence.
But - you KNOW!You start by deciding what to throw out.
What needs to go?