Is Time Travel Possible?
Every time a big Hollywood movie comes out that deals, in one way or another, with time travel, the Internet and scientific communities begin to buzz.
It seems that movies or other artistic work of that nature reignites humanities interest, desire, and obsession with manipulating the cosmos and going backward or forward in time.
If nothing else this speaks of our nature as humans: ever wishing we could change the past, do it all over again, visit a period of time that our memories distort to seem idyllic, and equally ever fearful of the future, wishing for just once glance, one nugget of knowledge that would give us an advantage on time.
For whatever reason God or nature or pure coincidence made us this way.
But the question remains: is it possible? Theoretically time travel is possible.
Einstein and other great minds taught us that time is relative.
Relative to what, you ask? Motion.
For instance: the close one is to earth the more time moves in the way we are accustomed to.
60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, etc.
The further from earth you get, the more time stretches.
If a person could get far enough away but still have means to observe earth they could see time move at lightening speeds.
They could watch their friends and family go through 20, 30, 40, or more years so quickly and remain the same age.
The implications of this are, of course, that if you were able to move things in just the right way, time travel would be possible.
Many modern scientists choose to believe that time is more like a ring than a straight line.
It all is happening at once just at different places.
Pretty amazing thought, isn't it? So if the science is sound, will man ever travel back or forward in time? The answer is unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you think about it) probably not.
You see the implications of time travel are widely unknown to us.
Surely if the technology and science existed it could be used to do wrong.
Major disasters for us could come about by pure accident.
And, if we were to EVER invent time travel, it would already exist.
Chew on that one for a while.
So while it may be fun to dream, and fantasize about going to the future or visiting the past, there are much more important and, indeed, necessary scientific discoveries yet to be made.
Of course this won't stop the truly devoted and fanatical from trying, and that is okay too.
Perhaps other scientific advancements may come from such experimentation or someone will discover it and rule over us all as the once and future king of some weird science fiction dystopia.
Probably not that last one though...
It seems that movies or other artistic work of that nature reignites humanities interest, desire, and obsession with manipulating the cosmos and going backward or forward in time.
If nothing else this speaks of our nature as humans: ever wishing we could change the past, do it all over again, visit a period of time that our memories distort to seem idyllic, and equally ever fearful of the future, wishing for just once glance, one nugget of knowledge that would give us an advantage on time.
For whatever reason God or nature or pure coincidence made us this way.
But the question remains: is it possible? Theoretically time travel is possible.
Einstein and other great minds taught us that time is relative.
Relative to what, you ask? Motion.
For instance: the close one is to earth the more time moves in the way we are accustomed to.
60 seconds to a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, etc.
The further from earth you get, the more time stretches.
If a person could get far enough away but still have means to observe earth they could see time move at lightening speeds.
They could watch their friends and family go through 20, 30, 40, or more years so quickly and remain the same age.
The implications of this are, of course, that if you were able to move things in just the right way, time travel would be possible.
Many modern scientists choose to believe that time is more like a ring than a straight line.
It all is happening at once just at different places.
Pretty amazing thought, isn't it? So if the science is sound, will man ever travel back or forward in time? The answer is unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you think about it) probably not.
You see the implications of time travel are widely unknown to us.
Surely if the technology and science existed it could be used to do wrong.
Major disasters for us could come about by pure accident.
And, if we were to EVER invent time travel, it would already exist.
Chew on that one for a while.
So while it may be fun to dream, and fantasize about going to the future or visiting the past, there are much more important and, indeed, necessary scientific discoveries yet to be made.
Of course this won't stop the truly devoted and fanatical from trying, and that is okay too.
Perhaps other scientific advancements may come from such experimentation or someone will discover it and rule over us all as the once and future king of some weird science fiction dystopia.
Probably not that last one though...