Out-Of-Court Settlements
In personal injury cases, when the negligent party pays an agreed-upon amount of monetary compensation outside of legal action or judiciary intervention, it is called an out-of-court settlement. An out-of-court settlement absolves the party paying the compensation of any future obligations; the party receiving compensation relinquishes all rights to pursue further compensation through legal action or judicial remedies. Most legal disputes are settled out of court.
In some cases, settling for an out-of-court settlement may be a good idea. However, it is important to always hire a personal injury lawyer, even if you do not plan to go to court. A personal injury lawyer will be able to assess your case, and tell you if the negligent party's out-of-court settlement offer is the best option. Professional legal counsel can help you assess if you are entitled to more than what has been offered, help you negotiate a better offer, and if necessary, take your dispute to court.
Some of the advantages of out-of-court settlements include:
A speedier process, and faster compensation. Even if you go to court and a decision is made in your favor, receiving your compensation may take a lot longer. The defendant may make an appeal, or, in some cases, may not have the financial capability to pay the sum ordered by the court. An amount offered in an out-of-court settlement, on the other hand, is most likely money that the defendant is capable of paying, or else they would not be making that offer. A personal injury attorney can tell you when an out-of-court settlement is the ideal course of action.
Less effort and stress. Court proceedings are very stressful and taxing on all parties involved. If the offered amount is fair, it may make sense to avoid the hassle and legal costs of a trial. A personal injury lawyer can help you avoid a long and arduous trial by negotiating for the compensation that you deserve.
No risk. You are sure to receive the money, all you have to do is say yes. Going to trial could result in a smaller settlement, or a loss, where you would receive no compensation whatsoever. A personal injury attorney can advise you on whether going to court is a risky endeavor, or if you have a good chance of winning a much larger settlement in court.
However, NEVER rush into an out-of-court settlement. If you do so, you run the risk of being under-compensated. Also be sure that you are aware of the full extent of your injuries before you settle. You don't want to settle for a small amount only to find out after a few weeks that your injuries were much more severe that you realized, and that you have already waived all rights to compensation. Although new information about your injuries coming to light may be sufficient for a judge to allow the hearing of your case, the existing extra-judicial settlement that you signed will be another layer of hassle for you and your counsel. Be sure to hire a personal injury lawyer even if you have no plans of going to court.
In some cases, settling for an out-of-court settlement may be a good idea. However, it is important to always hire a personal injury lawyer, even if you do not plan to go to court. A personal injury lawyer will be able to assess your case, and tell you if the negligent party's out-of-court settlement offer is the best option. Professional legal counsel can help you assess if you are entitled to more than what has been offered, help you negotiate a better offer, and if necessary, take your dispute to court.
Some of the advantages of out-of-court settlements include:
A speedier process, and faster compensation. Even if you go to court and a decision is made in your favor, receiving your compensation may take a lot longer. The defendant may make an appeal, or, in some cases, may not have the financial capability to pay the sum ordered by the court. An amount offered in an out-of-court settlement, on the other hand, is most likely money that the defendant is capable of paying, or else they would not be making that offer. A personal injury attorney can tell you when an out-of-court settlement is the ideal course of action.
Less effort and stress. Court proceedings are very stressful and taxing on all parties involved. If the offered amount is fair, it may make sense to avoid the hassle and legal costs of a trial. A personal injury lawyer can help you avoid a long and arduous trial by negotiating for the compensation that you deserve.
No risk. You are sure to receive the money, all you have to do is say yes. Going to trial could result in a smaller settlement, or a loss, where you would receive no compensation whatsoever. A personal injury attorney can advise you on whether going to court is a risky endeavor, or if you have a good chance of winning a much larger settlement in court.
However, NEVER rush into an out-of-court settlement. If you do so, you run the risk of being under-compensated. Also be sure that you are aware of the full extent of your injuries before you settle. You don't want to settle for a small amount only to find out after a few weeks that your injuries were much more severe that you realized, and that you have already waived all rights to compensation. Although new information about your injuries coming to light may be sufficient for a judge to allow the hearing of your case, the existing extra-judicial settlement that you signed will be another layer of hassle for you and your counsel. Be sure to hire a personal injury lawyer even if you have no plans of going to court.