Is It Possible to Fall in Love Through Letters?
There are many websites where you can meet others and try to find your soul mate…that one and only true love. Is this possible? I've heard of stories about someone falling in love through letters, yet had never met in person. We've all heard of someone who met her spouse this way. The question is this… is it possible to fall madly in love through letters only…without meeting?
To me, it seemed strange. But yet, sort of romantic. One day I asked my mother how she met my father. They had been married for years and were still in love. I could see it in the way he treated her, the way he wrapped his arms around her waist while doing the dishes and the way he kissed her neck when he thought I wasn't watching. Yes, they were in love. So I asked my mother how they met. Low and behold, it was through letters. What? I had to know more. I learned that her girlfriend was a teacher in southern Idaho and she decided to be a matchmaker. She knew a good-looking twenty-nine year old farmer that my mom could write to. So she gave my mother his address and visa versa and they began writing.
My mother told me that through letters she was able to get to know my father's soul, his innermost feelings. She said that we all tend to hide our feelings in person and try to impress our date… but when writing a letter, it's easier to write our deepest feelings on paper. I had never thought about it like that before. My mother said that it didn't take long to realize how wonderful my father was and she began falling in love with him through his letters. After realizing their feelings for one another, they decided it was time to meet. She told me about their first meeting: "When our eyes met,my heart leapt within me and a warm glow filled my soul, telling me that he was the man I was going to marry."
This story and their love letters, which I had the opportunity to read, were so romantic and it touched my heart like no other story ever told. It didn't take long for me to realize that their story was precious. How many others had met and fallen in love this way? Soon this story became the inspiration for my next novel, Edith and the Mysterious Stranger. I gave Edith the same feelings and struggles that my mother had while searching for her soul mate…and the same personality. My mother was a spunky one! There is one difference in my story, though. I don't let my readers know who got the "mysterious stranger" writing to Edith until next to the last chapter.
"The Power of the Written Word -- this is the life lesson I took away from Linda Weaver Clarke's book Edith and the Mysterious Stranger," wrote Wendy Cleveland of Reader Views. "I would definitely recommend this to anyone interested in a good inspirational read from beginning to end. You won't be disappointed."
With mysterious letters, a spunky woman, the liar's fire, cattle rustlers, Halloween, and young love, there is always something happening in Edith and the Mysterious Stranger.Edith has wonderful qualities but her expectations are so high that she never gives a man a second chance. However, all that changes when a mysterious stranger begins to write to her. For the first time, she gets to know a man's inner soul before making any harsh judgments. Whoever he is, this man is a mystery and the best thing that has ever happened to her. The question that puzzles her is whether or not he's as wonderful in person as he is in his letters… letters that were given much thought… letters written so eloquently… letters that touched her heart! Who had written such letters?
Amherst Bee of Buffalo, New York wrote: "Clarke draws the reader into a world full of color and intrigue right from the first page. The end is uplifting. I would highly recommend Edith and the Mysterious Stranger to anyone looking for a novel that just makes you feel good."
To me, it seemed strange. But yet, sort of romantic. One day I asked my mother how she met my father. They had been married for years and were still in love. I could see it in the way he treated her, the way he wrapped his arms around her waist while doing the dishes and the way he kissed her neck when he thought I wasn't watching. Yes, they were in love. So I asked my mother how they met. Low and behold, it was through letters. What? I had to know more. I learned that her girlfriend was a teacher in southern Idaho and she decided to be a matchmaker. She knew a good-looking twenty-nine year old farmer that my mom could write to. So she gave my mother his address and visa versa and they began writing.
My mother told me that through letters she was able to get to know my father's soul, his innermost feelings. She said that we all tend to hide our feelings in person and try to impress our date… but when writing a letter, it's easier to write our deepest feelings on paper. I had never thought about it like that before. My mother said that it didn't take long to realize how wonderful my father was and she began falling in love with him through his letters. After realizing their feelings for one another, they decided it was time to meet. She told me about their first meeting: "When our eyes met,my heart leapt within me and a warm glow filled my soul, telling me that he was the man I was going to marry."
This story and their love letters, which I had the opportunity to read, were so romantic and it touched my heart like no other story ever told. It didn't take long for me to realize that their story was precious. How many others had met and fallen in love this way? Soon this story became the inspiration for my next novel, Edith and the Mysterious Stranger. I gave Edith the same feelings and struggles that my mother had while searching for her soul mate…and the same personality. My mother was a spunky one! There is one difference in my story, though. I don't let my readers know who got the "mysterious stranger" writing to Edith until next to the last chapter.
"The Power of the Written Word -- this is the life lesson I took away from Linda Weaver Clarke's book Edith and the Mysterious Stranger," wrote Wendy Cleveland of Reader Views. "I would definitely recommend this to anyone interested in a good inspirational read from beginning to end. You won't be disappointed."
With mysterious letters, a spunky woman, the liar's fire, cattle rustlers, Halloween, and young love, there is always something happening in Edith and the Mysterious Stranger.Edith has wonderful qualities but her expectations are so high that she never gives a man a second chance. However, all that changes when a mysterious stranger begins to write to her. For the first time, she gets to know a man's inner soul before making any harsh judgments. Whoever he is, this man is a mystery and the best thing that has ever happened to her. The question that puzzles her is whether or not he's as wonderful in person as he is in his letters… letters that were given much thought… letters written so eloquently… letters that touched her heart! Who had written such letters?
Amherst Bee of Buffalo, New York wrote: "Clarke draws the reader into a world full of color and intrigue right from the first page. The end is uplifting. I would highly recommend Edith and the Mysterious Stranger to anyone looking for a novel that just makes you feel good."