Using Colored Pens
Using Colored Pens
The use of colored pens in class is a great way to help students learn their tenses. The idea is quite simple, by using color coding for the various tenses students learn to associate that color with the tense (right brain learning). This in turn adds another learning tool that students can use on their own, remembering which color goes with which tense adds a visual component to their learning style.
Here is a suggested color coding scheme which has been suggested by English Experience that you can use in class. Of course, you can choose any color you wish. To really make this work well, make sure that students are also provided with colored pens, pencils or crayons so that they can actively create their own beautiful compositions.
Present Simple - Dark Blue
Present Continuous - Light Blue
Past Simple - Brown
Present Perfect - Green
Future forms - Yellow
And here is a little example exercise using the verb "to ride" using the colors.
Jack rides his bike every day. He usually gets up at 7 o'clock and rides to work. As a matter of fact, he is on his way to work at the moment. Look at him riding his bike! Last week, he rode his bike over 100 miles. This week he has ridden his bike only 40, but then again, it is only Wednesday. Jack is going to ride his bike into the countryside this weekend where he hope he will be able to ride on some mountain trails.
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