A Positive Message to Get Behind - PLEASE Share This!
I was listening to part of the rally that went on at the mall in D.
and I was impressed.
The message was clear, concise and beautiful.
There was no hate, no bitterness.
There was no anger, no spew.
And that is the message that we need to carry forward with us.
I know that sometimes I can often bring a lot of emotion into my posts.
The main reason is that I am afraid for my nation and my people.
I don't mean just the white people, but Americans as a whole.
I truly fear for our future.
And this causes me to get angry when I see certain groups pushing their messages to drive the true recovery of our nation into a special interest dead end alley.
Glenn yesterday drove home a resounding message.
And I don't even mean about God.
Yes, I believe in God, but I don't pound people with that message simply because I don't want people pounding on me with their messages.
To me, religion is a personal issue, and one that doesn't need to come out in every conversation because truly it can make many uncomfortable.
And God gave us freedom of choice.
No - the message I am talking about is unity of a nation.
Unity as a people.
There should be no more message of black this or white that.
This country is heading down a deep, dark hole of debt that will not help anyone.
When the money runs out, as it will, no one will benefit, no one will have benefits, no one will have anything.
Beyond the politics, beyond the rhetoric, beyond the spew, beyond race cards, beyond anything else - if this economy collapses there will be economic chaos bar none.
The world will crack economically and the people of this country will fractionalize into small groups.
There are already groups making their own local money because they don't have any faith in the Federal Government or Federal Reserve.
We need to preach a goal of inclusion.
We need to stop turning our heads at people who are left center and centrists because we need them too.
They need us.
Divisiveness has done nothing but ruin our country.
Religious right pushes on the gays and abortion rights and vice versa.
Black leadership - not the people, but the leaders push on the right and the right pushes back.
Can't we acknowledge history and quit looking backwards before we fall into the gaping chasm that is yawning before our very feet? Can't we make up for the past ills of all people by simply ensuring they don't happen again? Can't we stop pointing fingers at each other while the specter of financial death is laughing as we are approaching it unseeing? We want to make sure the world's ecosystem is healthy too - we just don't think it is as bad as some think it is.
Can't we come to a common ground? If the US falls apart economically, you are just converting a huge country that could do well by the Earth into a third world nation that will neither have the resources or the will to do anything world wide.
We want to see crime stop, no matter who is committing it against who.
Do you truly think the chaos that will be coming if things don't change will make crime better? Lawlessness and chaos will ensue if the budgets of the governments can't be paid because there won't be many people who will work for nothing to police the neighborhoods.
We want to stop abortion, you want to see the choice be allowed.
Fine - can we come together on a common ground at this point to stop the bickering on social issues that are tearing us apart? Can we be allowed to educate, have waiting periods and parental and spousal/partner notification until we can get the country back on it's feet? Then we can debate all day long.
Most of us want reform in the health care industry and there are many issues that need to be addressed.
Free market will drive prices down if it is allowed to.
Open up buying insurance across state lines, co-ops would be a huge boon to driving prices down.
Rework the testing system responsibly (with doctors/scientists and government officials reviewing testing in other countries) to cut time and costs to the pharmaceutical companies.
Cut the costs, then you can cut patent lengths and shenanigans to ensure generics release FAR sooner.
Put in a loser pays litigation system and make the lawyers who take up frivolous lawsuits mirror the money their clients have to pay the winner.
Make judges electable up to the appellate level in both the state and federal level and post their decisions in simple language on the net.
Make the health care companies/hospitals/clinics/doctors have costing/rating sites like hotels.
Make electronic records happen - the paper is wasteful and horribly expensive.
Set the hardest assed IRS agents on to fraud and waste in the medical industry if you want to keep something like medicaid/medicare.
The only government that you would need in this would be a department to ensure that the ratings/costs system is stringently followed and not tampered with as well as the judges decision records.
Make sure that the insurance companies don't raise their rates in a price fixing sort of manner - co-ops will work if they are allowed to.
Prices for 1,000,000 customers of health care shouldn't matter from a 10 employee company to a 1,000 employee company, but they do.
Make sure the insurance companies don't try a wiggle when co-ops are put in by just raising prices across the board - make sure that there is a system to alert the public if they try it so that the free market can dictate the life or death of the company who plays games.
There are compromises on social issues that we can reach on most every issue.
As Mitch Daniels said, and I agree, we need to declare a truce on the social agendas and fix the economy.
Can we stop wasting money on local/state/federal issues that really have no NEED at this time? Not want, but need.
It's time to go on a hamburger budget, isn't it? We have in our homes.
Local governments need to stop making excuses about why they can't put contracts on hold during bad times.
There are several jobs just about any locality can have pointed out that they are making excuses about - "it comes from different funding" or "we bid this out years ago".
In our area they are building roundabouts, a new library and doing unnecessary remodels on schools, but they are closing schools and unable to pay teachers.
They are putting in traffic calming (trust me, you don't want to know) and screwing up roads for businesses to put in decorative street fixtures but have had to cut back on needed services.
State governments, I am sure, could easily trim budgets.
I am sure it would help if we cut out federal mandates to begin with.
The federal government, as we all know, could seriously trim budgets.
Tell the world that until we get our ducks in a row, we don't send a dime overseas in aid.
No 63 billion for a "woman centered health care plan" or "aids funding" at this time, for example.
Freeze the budget at 2006 levels and start cutting departments out of the federal government.
Make 1% cuts in every remaining department across the board every year for 10 years.
Abolish unions in the government and pensions for politicians.
Put in zero baseline budgeting and make bonuses dependent in each department based on how much money was SAVED while maintaining services.
Stop the whole "spend it or lose it" mentality.
Right now, the budget of most every department is automatically raised every year, no matter what.
That needs to stop.
There needs to be an oversight office to make sure that there are no more 600 dollar hammers anywhere in the government.
If I can pick up the phone and buy a yard of concrete for 130 dollars, so can the government.
Build or buy a building for Congress people to live in so they don't have a reason to need multi hundred thousand dollar homes in DC.
Make them part time.
They have to fly or travel on public transportation.
Also, if people want to approach them, that is a good thing as long as they are not raving lunatics with foam coming out of their mouths.
And that should be enforceable by the stewardesses or who ever is running the transportation.
The people who are working in Congress should not be allowed to live elsewhere - this is a service, not a vacation.
There should be mandatory town halls on every break.
Members of the government - this is a simple message to you: If you don't lose touch or ignore the people of this country, you don't have to fear being talked to.
You must read every bill.
You must write it in plain English.
A bill can no longer refer to other legislation without the language of that legislation being included in the bill up for consideration.
It is a well known fact that many pieces of legislation, in order to understand them, require you to have stacks of other pieces of legislation to refer to.
If you don't read each piece, you don't know the effect of the bill.
Every bill will have a mandatory sunset.
Every law that is getting ready to sunset must be re-debated in order to keep it and it must be a 60% vote to keep it.
No more "legislative language".
This is a piss poor excuse to shut the American people out of knowing what the legislation you are turning out says.
This is also a very piss poor excuse for you to vote on something "because my whip told me to".
If there is no defensible federal issue, there can be no legislation.
Americans don't need to be paying for items that aren't related to the country as a whole.
No work arounds, no bull.
We are currently, through federal, state and local taxes losing somewhere between 50 and 70% of our dollar that we earn.
That means that right now, 50-70% of your work doesn't benefit you directly.
Between fees, taxes, fines, tariffs, and whatever else you want to call it - you are losing most of your money.
For what? And they want to levy more taxes every day.
Why? What are they accomplishing? Can you honestly say that with all of that money flowing out of your pocket that you are better off? One of the biggest steps to curtailing all the spending? Get rid of federal and state withholding.
Send people a bill at the end of the year for the amount owed and hear the screams.
If you had to write a 10,000.
00 check for withholding, social security and the rest, you would not allow the spending the government does.
That's why, historically, most people in the government didn't allow that to happen.
Not until FDR and World War II.
There was a fight for that for decades.
People don't mind a payment plan - it makes it so much more palatable.
There is a simple message that we can all get behind.
There is too much government, not enough people.
There is too much regulation, not enough creativity.
There is too much taxation, not enough wealth creation.
There is too much public trough and not enough personal responsibility.
People didn't just starve before the government came along.
People were helped by their neighbors and their communities.
Now - those people are rushing around just to make ends meet.
Losing 50-70% of your money can you imagine why? There is less charity, community and neighborlyness.
Family units aren't respected and neighborhoods are mostly just where you go to sleep and eat.
The morals and family that built this country is being eroded away and replaced with a dependency on the state.
Religion is being left behind for the government in some people's eyes.
Art is shapeless and meaningless in many cases.
America is losing her soul, her love, her creativity.
And it is being replaced by a money hungry, power crazy, gluttony driven government who can't stand for money to stay in people's pockets and creativity to be unleashed.
Too much independence, too much free thought, too much creativity makes government irrelevant.
And, that, my friends, is the message they don't want you to hear.
and I was impressed.
The message was clear, concise and beautiful.
There was no hate, no bitterness.
There was no anger, no spew.
And that is the message that we need to carry forward with us.
I know that sometimes I can often bring a lot of emotion into my posts.
The main reason is that I am afraid for my nation and my people.
I don't mean just the white people, but Americans as a whole.
I truly fear for our future.
And this causes me to get angry when I see certain groups pushing their messages to drive the true recovery of our nation into a special interest dead end alley.
Glenn yesterday drove home a resounding message.
And I don't even mean about God.
Yes, I believe in God, but I don't pound people with that message simply because I don't want people pounding on me with their messages.
To me, religion is a personal issue, and one that doesn't need to come out in every conversation because truly it can make many uncomfortable.
And God gave us freedom of choice.
No - the message I am talking about is unity of a nation.
Unity as a people.
There should be no more message of black this or white that.
This country is heading down a deep, dark hole of debt that will not help anyone.
When the money runs out, as it will, no one will benefit, no one will have benefits, no one will have anything.
Beyond the politics, beyond the rhetoric, beyond the spew, beyond race cards, beyond anything else - if this economy collapses there will be economic chaos bar none.
The world will crack economically and the people of this country will fractionalize into small groups.
There are already groups making their own local money because they don't have any faith in the Federal Government or Federal Reserve.
We need to preach a goal of inclusion.
We need to stop turning our heads at people who are left center and centrists because we need them too.
They need us.
Divisiveness has done nothing but ruin our country.
Religious right pushes on the gays and abortion rights and vice versa.
Black leadership - not the people, but the leaders push on the right and the right pushes back.
Can't we acknowledge history and quit looking backwards before we fall into the gaping chasm that is yawning before our very feet? Can't we make up for the past ills of all people by simply ensuring they don't happen again? Can't we stop pointing fingers at each other while the specter of financial death is laughing as we are approaching it unseeing? We want to make sure the world's ecosystem is healthy too - we just don't think it is as bad as some think it is.
Can't we come to a common ground? If the US falls apart economically, you are just converting a huge country that could do well by the Earth into a third world nation that will neither have the resources or the will to do anything world wide.
We want to see crime stop, no matter who is committing it against who.
Do you truly think the chaos that will be coming if things don't change will make crime better? Lawlessness and chaos will ensue if the budgets of the governments can't be paid because there won't be many people who will work for nothing to police the neighborhoods.
We want to stop abortion, you want to see the choice be allowed.
Fine - can we come together on a common ground at this point to stop the bickering on social issues that are tearing us apart? Can we be allowed to educate, have waiting periods and parental and spousal/partner notification until we can get the country back on it's feet? Then we can debate all day long.
Most of us want reform in the health care industry and there are many issues that need to be addressed.
Free market will drive prices down if it is allowed to.
Open up buying insurance across state lines, co-ops would be a huge boon to driving prices down.
Rework the testing system responsibly (with doctors/scientists and government officials reviewing testing in other countries) to cut time and costs to the pharmaceutical companies.
Cut the costs, then you can cut patent lengths and shenanigans to ensure generics release FAR sooner.
Put in a loser pays litigation system and make the lawyers who take up frivolous lawsuits mirror the money their clients have to pay the winner.
Make judges electable up to the appellate level in both the state and federal level and post their decisions in simple language on the net.
Make the health care companies/hospitals/clinics/doctors have costing/rating sites like hotels.
Make electronic records happen - the paper is wasteful and horribly expensive.
Set the hardest assed IRS agents on to fraud and waste in the medical industry if you want to keep something like medicaid/medicare.
The only government that you would need in this would be a department to ensure that the ratings/costs system is stringently followed and not tampered with as well as the judges decision records.
Make sure that the insurance companies don't raise their rates in a price fixing sort of manner - co-ops will work if they are allowed to.
Prices for 1,000,000 customers of health care shouldn't matter from a 10 employee company to a 1,000 employee company, but they do.
Make sure the insurance companies don't try a wiggle when co-ops are put in by just raising prices across the board - make sure that there is a system to alert the public if they try it so that the free market can dictate the life or death of the company who plays games.
There are compromises on social issues that we can reach on most every issue.
As Mitch Daniels said, and I agree, we need to declare a truce on the social agendas and fix the economy.
Can we stop wasting money on local/state/federal issues that really have no NEED at this time? Not want, but need.
It's time to go on a hamburger budget, isn't it? We have in our homes.
Local governments need to stop making excuses about why they can't put contracts on hold during bad times.
There are several jobs just about any locality can have pointed out that they are making excuses about - "it comes from different funding" or "we bid this out years ago".
In our area they are building roundabouts, a new library and doing unnecessary remodels on schools, but they are closing schools and unable to pay teachers.
They are putting in traffic calming (trust me, you don't want to know) and screwing up roads for businesses to put in decorative street fixtures but have had to cut back on needed services.
State governments, I am sure, could easily trim budgets.
I am sure it would help if we cut out federal mandates to begin with.
The federal government, as we all know, could seriously trim budgets.
Tell the world that until we get our ducks in a row, we don't send a dime overseas in aid.
No 63 billion for a "woman centered health care plan" or "aids funding" at this time, for example.
Freeze the budget at 2006 levels and start cutting departments out of the federal government.
Make 1% cuts in every remaining department across the board every year for 10 years.
Abolish unions in the government and pensions for politicians.
Put in zero baseline budgeting and make bonuses dependent in each department based on how much money was SAVED while maintaining services.
Stop the whole "spend it or lose it" mentality.
Right now, the budget of most every department is automatically raised every year, no matter what.
That needs to stop.
There needs to be an oversight office to make sure that there are no more 600 dollar hammers anywhere in the government.
If I can pick up the phone and buy a yard of concrete for 130 dollars, so can the government.
Build or buy a building for Congress people to live in so they don't have a reason to need multi hundred thousand dollar homes in DC.
Make them part time.
They have to fly or travel on public transportation.
Also, if people want to approach them, that is a good thing as long as they are not raving lunatics with foam coming out of their mouths.
And that should be enforceable by the stewardesses or who ever is running the transportation.
The people who are working in Congress should not be allowed to live elsewhere - this is a service, not a vacation.
There should be mandatory town halls on every break.
Members of the government - this is a simple message to you: If you don't lose touch or ignore the people of this country, you don't have to fear being talked to.
You must read every bill.
You must write it in plain English.
A bill can no longer refer to other legislation without the language of that legislation being included in the bill up for consideration.
It is a well known fact that many pieces of legislation, in order to understand them, require you to have stacks of other pieces of legislation to refer to.
If you don't read each piece, you don't know the effect of the bill.
Every bill will have a mandatory sunset.
Every law that is getting ready to sunset must be re-debated in order to keep it and it must be a 60% vote to keep it.
No more "legislative language".
This is a piss poor excuse to shut the American people out of knowing what the legislation you are turning out says.
This is also a very piss poor excuse for you to vote on something "because my whip told me to".
If there is no defensible federal issue, there can be no legislation.
Americans don't need to be paying for items that aren't related to the country as a whole.
No work arounds, no bull.
We are currently, through federal, state and local taxes losing somewhere between 50 and 70% of our dollar that we earn.
That means that right now, 50-70% of your work doesn't benefit you directly.
Between fees, taxes, fines, tariffs, and whatever else you want to call it - you are losing most of your money.
For what? And they want to levy more taxes every day.
Why? What are they accomplishing? Can you honestly say that with all of that money flowing out of your pocket that you are better off? One of the biggest steps to curtailing all the spending? Get rid of federal and state withholding.
Send people a bill at the end of the year for the amount owed and hear the screams.
If you had to write a 10,000.
00 check for withholding, social security and the rest, you would not allow the spending the government does.
That's why, historically, most people in the government didn't allow that to happen.
Not until FDR and World War II.
There was a fight for that for decades.
People don't mind a payment plan - it makes it so much more palatable.
There is a simple message that we can all get behind.
There is too much government, not enough people.
There is too much regulation, not enough creativity.
There is too much taxation, not enough wealth creation.
There is too much public trough and not enough personal responsibility.
People didn't just starve before the government came along.
People were helped by their neighbors and their communities.
Now - those people are rushing around just to make ends meet.
Losing 50-70% of your money can you imagine why? There is less charity, community and neighborlyness.
Family units aren't respected and neighborhoods are mostly just where you go to sleep and eat.
The morals and family that built this country is being eroded away and replaced with a dependency on the state.
Religion is being left behind for the government in some people's eyes.
Art is shapeless and meaningless in many cases.
America is losing her soul, her love, her creativity.
And it is being replaced by a money hungry, power crazy, gluttony driven government who can't stand for money to stay in people's pockets and creativity to be unleashed.
Too much independence, too much free thought, too much creativity makes government irrelevant.
And, that, my friends, is the message they don't want you to hear.