Universal Consciousness - The Great Deceiver and Pretender
The Eastern spiritual understanding of man, his spirit and the universal consciousness that pervades all things, all beings and the space that exists between objects, the solar system, this galaxy, all galaxies and all objects in the universe is a mere spiritual belief system-a spiritual nightmare really.
Let me go into detail explaining why this is so.
I am saddled for the last half year with a wife who suffers unbearable pains in her body.
It is not fibromyalgia, but close to it.
On top of that she has many trigger points that refer pain into almost every part of her body.
On top of that she has shingles.
Altogether she is in unbearable pains most of the day and night keeping me busy assisting her and awake and tired most of the time.
We have visited the necessary doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, psychiatrists and metaphysical healers.
I have even endeavored to become an energy healer myself.
So far every effort and every penny, and there are very many, have been fruitless.
It is a nightmare of gigantic proportions.
This is not the first time I was involved with yoga, the chakras, and eastern type of meditation and healing.
Some thirty years ago I had a large body of friends that were into dowsing, metaphysical healing and meditation.
I know the principles on which this philosophy rests and have practiced it on and off.
We used to scan our auras, spiritual bodies, our chakras and such.
One of my wife's spiritual healers urged me to again take up healing so I could be of better help to her.
I have studied and practiced the exercises etc.
Then I came to one exercise that instructed me to place my aura before me so I can scan the chakras in the back of my body.
I dutifully did this exercise without much luck.
Then I got to think again of the knowledge I have of the universe and things and biological creatures in it.
I know that our souls, human, animal and of the nature of plants are in a deep spiritual coma.
These souls belong to two spiritual identities we know as Adam and Woman who existed consciously in paradise but since believing a lie about their native spiritual habitation and their god, the spirit in Jesus of Nazareth have forsaken their god and paradise to follow the one who told them the lie about their true father (and god) in paradise.
Paradise and their god and father no longer exist in the awareness of Adam and Woman, therefore their bodies are still in paradise because these are part of that paradisiacal habitation but the consciousness of Adam's and Woman's cells are like-dead to paradise; and so obviously are Adam and Woman (A & W).
So, if Adam's and Woman's composite consciousnesses can no longer include paradise as their habitation and spiritual anchor (the only reality possible for them), to what kind of fictitious reality are their consciousness now tied? A & W had to follow the Serpent, the great deceiver, into his scheme of lies/propaganda/ false beliefs, in order to have a place to be at all.
They enfolded their consciousnesses into the imagery of the deceiver, Jehovah (or Universal Consciousness, Brahman).
They went into a spiritual coma and now dream the dream this serpent has laid out for them.
Whatever they dream up is unreality (fiction) as only paradise is true reality for them.
The dream told them to dissolve their integral consciousnesses into the spiritual cellular units of awareness which individual cells now constitute the idea of souls.
So, there are a whole bunch of male or Adam-related souls and female or Woman-related souls.
Each soul retains it connective tissue with total deceived consciousness and with the consciousness of each individual cell/soul, yet all have accepted the total universal scenario of the universe and themselves as individual units in it.
Each soul has been reprogrammed to see itself as an individual unit not anymore as a mass of units collectively integrated as the consciousness of Adam or Woman.
I see this scenario of universal creation as some sort of computer program inputted (imputed?) on the total consciousness of Adam and Woman.
The total consciousnesses of Adam and Woman constitute the computer, consisting of unit cell components wired together as the consciousness of Adam and Woman.
Since this computer has erased all knowledge about true reality its memories are utterly empty.
The serpent (Jehovah, Universal consciousness) has filled it up partially with the complete and detailed program of the universe, wherein each cell also plays one unit of biological being assigned to it by the program.
To power up this computer the serpent made a spiritual battery potential of the truth on which the spiritual cells in Adam and Woman are based and the lie these consciousnesses are trapped in.
We have thus a power supply, a system of computers based on the integral consciousnesses of the cells in Adam and Woman, and a program that has been entered into the computer by the usurper serpent; and it is totally under the control of this serpent (Jehovah, Universal Consciousness).
The unused memory in this computer keeps an accurate history of all events in its archives memory section-also called akashic records.
We must keep in mind that the god of paradise created paradise and Adam and Woman from his own substance.
It is a true real creation and it all integrally belongs and is one with the spirit of this god, the spirit in Jesus.
The serpent, however, has no such creative abilities.
Yet he wanted a creation for himself.
In order to do that he had to rob god, the true father of Adam and Woman.
The serpent is thus the first liar and the father of lies.
He is also a kidnapper and thus a criminal in spirit and a fashioner (not creator) of the universe by reprogramming the comatose consciousnesses of two real spirits, Adam and Woman.
This is all told in (use the Good News Bible) Genesis2: 15,16 & 17; Genesis 3: 1 -7, and can be traced again in much of the teachings and preaching of Jesus, namely some can be easily verified in the New Testament John 8: 14 through end, John 17: 3, and John 17: 25,26.
Check out these verses, meditate on these and see the connections yourself.
Jesus tells the Jewish religious authorities that he as their god and spiritual father told the truth from the very beginning (in paradise), and that their present father is a liar because he told the first lie (the lie being that what the spirit in truth told them was a lie: "That is not true! If you eat/partake of this tree.
); and that he is a murderer.
Exactly as told us in Genesis 2 and 3 as quoted above.
The spirit in Jesus, god of paradise, came into this fictitious universe to claim back what belongs to him-the consciousness in Adam and Woman.
He was only allowed into the program "universe" if he would portray Jehovah's Messiah, hinted at and proclaimed in many scriptures in the Old Testament and that he would agree to die physically in the physical pains of torture and of the cross if I would preach his own message.
Jehovah thus knew somehow that the spirit in Jesus would come and thus based his entire scenario of his Christ on his coming.
The spirit in Jesus had thus no alternative but to come as Jehovah's Messiah and thus caused all kinds of confusion in the minds of the Jewish religious authorities and in Jesus' followers.
Jesus had no choice but to speak with a forked tongue; the only mode of being for all physical creatures that have the ability to conduct "rational communications".
Jesus had to do this as a compromise, but all the rest of us do so because we are totally in the darkness of deceit.
We don't know right from wrong in true spirit because we died to true spirit; and also, because humans distrust each other so strongly that hardly anyone dares to tell the truth to anyone else.
So, human communications are based on no other things than lies proclaimed and lies believed.
In this chaos came Jesus.
It is thus no wonder that no one ever got his correct message.
However, Jesus came because he knew/knows that some souls will get the message.
He based his plan on this knowledge.
Jesus also told his disciples in John 17: 3 that eternal life is to know the true god and Jesus Christ...
How can we ever know this true god if we have never seen him or communed with him in our universal consciousness? Easy, you must recognize him again as he was before you fell into a spiritual coma.
If you as soul will awaken again from you comatose dream you again see reality for what it has always been--just like when a child wakes up in the morning from its dreams and again recognizes his own bed and his own room in his own house.
Now, how does the above explanation fit into the universal reality of metaphysical healing, soul travel, meditation and healing? Christian clergy will tell you that the human race fell from grace when Adam and Woman got involved with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
So we fell!- -from reality into fiction.
As metaphysical literature states, we have a human body.
But this body is the inner and lowest form of vibrating energy in a system of bodies.
The physical body is enfolded and interspersed with the following bodies: the etheric body that protrudes 2 inches beyond the physical body.
The next larger body is the astral body that protrudes another 4 to 6 inches beyond the physical body.
The next in line is the mental body that extends up to five feet beyond the physical body.
All these bodies are enclosed in the soul body.
This all makes perfect sense.
These are all spiritual computer generated bodies so that Universal Consciousness (god Jehovah) can keep control over his creation and can keep track of each individual item and soul in this virtually created reality.
We know that soul, through his betrayed thought processes, has a new mental picture of reality as dictated by the program, hence the mental body.
Then, we must remember that these mental ideas must fit a larger virtual environment.
This mental body is in communion through computer interactivity with the serpent.
So the human idea is anchored into the universal setting through its astral body into the mental body.
It is in the astral body that soul travel takes place.
It is the astral body that is anchored into the universal scene making soul travel possible.
So, it seems logical that the astral body can travel in the "astral" universe (I call this the negative spiritual realm).
The astral universe has a sub program that ties etheric items into its many etheric localities.
These etheric bodies tie the physical world into functioning physical reality, wherein each physical item is originally placed to a fixed or semi fixed locality from which physical items can be moved and relocated by natural forces operating on the etheric plane or by the efforts of physical biological creatures that affect things in their physical setting.
The etheric plane thus keeps inventory and track of all things and creatures and keep these in a permanent record by processes of the higher protocols in the hierarchy of programs that constitute physical reality.
As one can see, the uninitiated gross physical human being and animal creature are only aware of the physical display and habitation.
He is a totally ignorant creature that over large stretches of time can rely on a store of semi-reliable information and data collected over many life times to kind of feel secure and anchored into its observable physical setting/habitat.
These creatures have no idea how this whole physical display with them as integral beings in it is projected and kept in suspension.
It is all too miraculous for them.
To the creature, physical reality is all there is and it is a dangerous, untrustworthy environment to be in- -and in the end the creature dies, not knowing what good his life has been and what the purpose was of its life and its death.
The summary of this discussion is that everything we know as physical creatures or as more initiated metaphysical beings is spiritual make-believe.
We are as-dead to reality, and so we dream up an alternate reality in which to at least be.
Because of the fact that a non-initiate cannot see any relation between himself and spirit, this creature is lost, even in universal reality.
He really does not know how his immediate surroundings fit in a larger setting of the continent, the globe, the solar system and its galaxy.
Even if it would know, it is lost because whatever he can find out physically or metaphysically is all tied to a fictitious dream existence.
Nothing is true and nothing is real because fiction does not fit in any manner or form into true reality.
So, if I am told by meta-physicians that I can place a mental image of my aura's backside before me so that I can scan and heal my chakras and internal organs, I say, of course, in make-believe you can do anything you want, but whatever you do does not anchor you in the place where you belong because your entire belief system is based on a spiritual lie.
That lie took away our sense of reality and replaced it with a mere dream of vicious existence in earth where dog eat dog, and where everyone must kill in order to maintain a seeming physical self.
The following must then be true too.
If one dies physically, one must reincarnate in order to again have a place to be.
As long as the soul is in a coma, it cannot return to reality, and because it is still wired into the computer system and into the dictates of the program its potential and its entity use as soul is caught in the system and soul thus will reincarnate and be born again a physical creature; next time, maybe, not as a human being but as a slaughter animal such as beef or pork.
It is only when the true message of Jesus of Nazareth is understood by soul that it can ever re-awaken in spirit and see its true god and father and say: "Hi Pappa! How are things?" It is only when you recognize your god and father in truth that you will be in true reality and, of course, the universe will then only come back to you as a remembered dream, if at all.
Metaphysicians agree that universal existence is all based on make-believe, but it all works out great in the universal environment.
They would, though strongly oppose the validity of my thesis.
Every creature in the world is spiritually brainwashed to believe that physical existence is all there is.
I know that I am right; and that what I know is not based on make believe.
My wife and I are thus a category unto ourselves.
We can thus view ourselves as a regenerated sort of Adam and Woman and we are still one.
I hope, though, that you will read all my articles and peruse the concepts I bring forward and get the total picture.
I would, oh so much, like to have some company when I wake up in reality.
It would make this entire physical nightmare worth the whole nightmarish trip.
Let me go into detail explaining why this is so.
I am saddled for the last half year with a wife who suffers unbearable pains in her body.
It is not fibromyalgia, but close to it.
On top of that she has many trigger points that refer pain into almost every part of her body.
On top of that she has shingles.
Altogether she is in unbearable pains most of the day and night keeping me busy assisting her and awake and tired most of the time.
We have visited the necessary doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, psychiatrists and metaphysical healers.
I have even endeavored to become an energy healer myself.
So far every effort and every penny, and there are very many, have been fruitless.
It is a nightmare of gigantic proportions.
This is not the first time I was involved with yoga, the chakras, and eastern type of meditation and healing.
Some thirty years ago I had a large body of friends that were into dowsing, metaphysical healing and meditation.
I know the principles on which this philosophy rests and have practiced it on and off.
We used to scan our auras, spiritual bodies, our chakras and such.
One of my wife's spiritual healers urged me to again take up healing so I could be of better help to her.
I have studied and practiced the exercises etc.
Then I came to one exercise that instructed me to place my aura before me so I can scan the chakras in the back of my body.
I dutifully did this exercise without much luck.
Then I got to think again of the knowledge I have of the universe and things and biological creatures in it.
I know that our souls, human, animal and of the nature of plants are in a deep spiritual coma.
These souls belong to two spiritual identities we know as Adam and Woman who existed consciously in paradise but since believing a lie about their native spiritual habitation and their god, the spirit in Jesus of Nazareth have forsaken their god and paradise to follow the one who told them the lie about their true father (and god) in paradise.
Paradise and their god and father no longer exist in the awareness of Adam and Woman, therefore their bodies are still in paradise because these are part of that paradisiacal habitation but the consciousness of Adam's and Woman's cells are like-dead to paradise; and so obviously are Adam and Woman (A & W).
So, if Adam's and Woman's composite consciousnesses can no longer include paradise as their habitation and spiritual anchor (the only reality possible for them), to what kind of fictitious reality are their consciousness now tied? A & W had to follow the Serpent, the great deceiver, into his scheme of lies/propaganda/ false beliefs, in order to have a place to be at all.
They enfolded their consciousnesses into the imagery of the deceiver, Jehovah (or Universal Consciousness, Brahman).
They went into a spiritual coma and now dream the dream this serpent has laid out for them.
Whatever they dream up is unreality (fiction) as only paradise is true reality for them.
The dream told them to dissolve their integral consciousnesses into the spiritual cellular units of awareness which individual cells now constitute the idea of souls.
So, there are a whole bunch of male or Adam-related souls and female or Woman-related souls.
Each soul retains it connective tissue with total deceived consciousness and with the consciousness of each individual cell/soul, yet all have accepted the total universal scenario of the universe and themselves as individual units in it.
Each soul has been reprogrammed to see itself as an individual unit not anymore as a mass of units collectively integrated as the consciousness of Adam or Woman.
I see this scenario of universal creation as some sort of computer program inputted (imputed?) on the total consciousness of Adam and Woman.
The total consciousnesses of Adam and Woman constitute the computer, consisting of unit cell components wired together as the consciousness of Adam and Woman.
Since this computer has erased all knowledge about true reality its memories are utterly empty.
The serpent (Jehovah, Universal consciousness) has filled it up partially with the complete and detailed program of the universe, wherein each cell also plays one unit of biological being assigned to it by the program.
To power up this computer the serpent made a spiritual battery potential of the truth on which the spiritual cells in Adam and Woman are based and the lie these consciousnesses are trapped in.
We have thus a power supply, a system of computers based on the integral consciousnesses of the cells in Adam and Woman, and a program that has been entered into the computer by the usurper serpent; and it is totally under the control of this serpent (Jehovah, Universal Consciousness).
The unused memory in this computer keeps an accurate history of all events in its archives memory section-also called akashic records.
We must keep in mind that the god of paradise created paradise and Adam and Woman from his own substance.
It is a true real creation and it all integrally belongs and is one with the spirit of this god, the spirit in Jesus.
The serpent, however, has no such creative abilities.
Yet he wanted a creation for himself.
In order to do that he had to rob god, the true father of Adam and Woman.
The serpent is thus the first liar and the father of lies.
He is also a kidnapper and thus a criminal in spirit and a fashioner (not creator) of the universe by reprogramming the comatose consciousnesses of two real spirits, Adam and Woman.
This is all told in (use the Good News Bible) Genesis2: 15,16 & 17; Genesis 3: 1 -7, and can be traced again in much of the teachings and preaching of Jesus, namely some can be easily verified in the New Testament John 8: 14 through end, John 17: 3, and John 17: 25,26.
Check out these verses, meditate on these and see the connections yourself.
Jesus tells the Jewish religious authorities that he as their god and spiritual father told the truth from the very beginning (in paradise), and that their present father is a liar because he told the first lie (the lie being that what the spirit in truth told them was a lie: "That is not true! If you eat/partake of this tree.
); and that he is a murderer.
Exactly as told us in Genesis 2 and 3 as quoted above.
The spirit in Jesus, god of paradise, came into this fictitious universe to claim back what belongs to him-the consciousness in Adam and Woman.
He was only allowed into the program "universe" if he would portray Jehovah's Messiah, hinted at and proclaimed in many scriptures in the Old Testament and that he would agree to die physically in the physical pains of torture and of the cross if I would preach his own message.
Jehovah thus knew somehow that the spirit in Jesus would come and thus based his entire scenario of his Christ on his coming.
The spirit in Jesus had thus no alternative but to come as Jehovah's Messiah and thus caused all kinds of confusion in the minds of the Jewish religious authorities and in Jesus' followers.
Jesus had no choice but to speak with a forked tongue; the only mode of being for all physical creatures that have the ability to conduct "rational communications".
Jesus had to do this as a compromise, but all the rest of us do so because we are totally in the darkness of deceit.
We don't know right from wrong in true spirit because we died to true spirit; and also, because humans distrust each other so strongly that hardly anyone dares to tell the truth to anyone else.
So, human communications are based on no other things than lies proclaimed and lies believed.
In this chaos came Jesus.
It is thus no wonder that no one ever got his correct message.
However, Jesus came because he knew/knows that some souls will get the message.
He based his plan on this knowledge.
Jesus also told his disciples in John 17: 3 that eternal life is to know the true god and Jesus Christ...
How can we ever know this true god if we have never seen him or communed with him in our universal consciousness? Easy, you must recognize him again as he was before you fell into a spiritual coma.
If you as soul will awaken again from you comatose dream you again see reality for what it has always been--just like when a child wakes up in the morning from its dreams and again recognizes his own bed and his own room in his own house.
Now, how does the above explanation fit into the universal reality of metaphysical healing, soul travel, meditation and healing? Christian clergy will tell you that the human race fell from grace when Adam and Woman got involved with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
So we fell!- -from reality into fiction.
As metaphysical literature states, we have a human body.
But this body is the inner and lowest form of vibrating energy in a system of bodies.
The physical body is enfolded and interspersed with the following bodies: the etheric body that protrudes 2 inches beyond the physical body.
The next larger body is the astral body that protrudes another 4 to 6 inches beyond the physical body.
The next in line is the mental body that extends up to five feet beyond the physical body.
All these bodies are enclosed in the soul body.
This all makes perfect sense.
These are all spiritual computer generated bodies so that Universal Consciousness (god Jehovah) can keep control over his creation and can keep track of each individual item and soul in this virtually created reality.
We know that soul, through his betrayed thought processes, has a new mental picture of reality as dictated by the program, hence the mental body.
Then, we must remember that these mental ideas must fit a larger virtual environment.
This mental body is in communion through computer interactivity with the serpent.
So the human idea is anchored into the universal setting through its astral body into the mental body.
It is in the astral body that soul travel takes place.
It is the astral body that is anchored into the universal scene making soul travel possible.
So, it seems logical that the astral body can travel in the "astral" universe (I call this the negative spiritual realm).
The astral universe has a sub program that ties etheric items into its many etheric localities.
These etheric bodies tie the physical world into functioning physical reality, wherein each physical item is originally placed to a fixed or semi fixed locality from which physical items can be moved and relocated by natural forces operating on the etheric plane or by the efforts of physical biological creatures that affect things in their physical setting.
The etheric plane thus keeps inventory and track of all things and creatures and keep these in a permanent record by processes of the higher protocols in the hierarchy of programs that constitute physical reality.
As one can see, the uninitiated gross physical human being and animal creature are only aware of the physical display and habitation.
He is a totally ignorant creature that over large stretches of time can rely on a store of semi-reliable information and data collected over many life times to kind of feel secure and anchored into its observable physical setting/habitat.
These creatures have no idea how this whole physical display with them as integral beings in it is projected and kept in suspension.
It is all too miraculous for them.
To the creature, physical reality is all there is and it is a dangerous, untrustworthy environment to be in- -and in the end the creature dies, not knowing what good his life has been and what the purpose was of its life and its death.
The summary of this discussion is that everything we know as physical creatures or as more initiated metaphysical beings is spiritual make-believe.
We are as-dead to reality, and so we dream up an alternate reality in which to at least be.
Because of the fact that a non-initiate cannot see any relation between himself and spirit, this creature is lost, even in universal reality.
He really does not know how his immediate surroundings fit in a larger setting of the continent, the globe, the solar system and its galaxy.
Even if it would know, it is lost because whatever he can find out physically or metaphysically is all tied to a fictitious dream existence.
Nothing is true and nothing is real because fiction does not fit in any manner or form into true reality.
So, if I am told by meta-physicians that I can place a mental image of my aura's backside before me so that I can scan and heal my chakras and internal organs, I say, of course, in make-believe you can do anything you want, but whatever you do does not anchor you in the place where you belong because your entire belief system is based on a spiritual lie.
That lie took away our sense of reality and replaced it with a mere dream of vicious existence in earth where dog eat dog, and where everyone must kill in order to maintain a seeming physical self.
The following must then be true too.
If one dies physically, one must reincarnate in order to again have a place to be.
As long as the soul is in a coma, it cannot return to reality, and because it is still wired into the computer system and into the dictates of the program its potential and its entity use as soul is caught in the system and soul thus will reincarnate and be born again a physical creature; next time, maybe, not as a human being but as a slaughter animal such as beef or pork.
It is only when the true message of Jesus of Nazareth is understood by soul that it can ever re-awaken in spirit and see its true god and father and say: "Hi Pappa! How are things?" It is only when you recognize your god and father in truth that you will be in true reality and, of course, the universe will then only come back to you as a remembered dream, if at all.
Metaphysicians agree that universal existence is all based on make-believe, but it all works out great in the universal environment.
They would, though strongly oppose the validity of my thesis.
Every creature in the world is spiritually brainwashed to believe that physical existence is all there is.
I know that I am right; and that what I know is not based on make believe.
My wife and I are thus a category unto ourselves.
We can thus view ourselves as a regenerated sort of Adam and Woman and we are still one.
I hope, though, that you will read all my articles and peruse the concepts I bring forward and get the total picture.
I would, oh so much, like to have some company when I wake up in reality.
It would make this entire physical nightmare worth the whole nightmarish trip.