History May Be Past
History may be past
Embedded in memory and may not last
It is glorious past with memorable events
Preserved with honor as unforgettable counts
As the things can be clearly seen in mirror
History will site you mistakes and errors
It may not repeat in near future or for times to come
We take pride for being a part and welcome
How many bloody wars have been fought?
Was peace not explored or sought?
Why so much bitterness about past?
Why still not coming to terms very fast?
How can I forget that number of times country was invaded?
How can that easily it be wiped out that in problem we were landed?
The poverty, helplessness and backwardness come before like picture?
Making me restless with burning rage at heart for future
I am for sure and everybody will share
You can not equate past with future
The present is in between to balance
It must be thought over and given chance
We can't carry bitterness all along
History may not pardon us for pursuing wrong
If we had rich tradition in forgiving the evil and past
We must surely feel elated with very good start
We have witnessed hostility running in for decades
It has no reasons to be continued for indefinite days
Each passing day is proving costly and very deadly
We must learn lesson from it and end it immediately
It is invaluable treasure to have it as glorious history
New generation can take pride in not feel sorry
It is freedom and free environment that we intended to give
For our lapses they may surely understand forgive
History can be considered as past milestones
The present can not ignore it and consider as bye gone
We have come to stay here as inseparable part
Even thought it may be unworthy or glorious past
What does this indicate in particular?
Do we want to create the situation like similar?
It is thing of past and must be buried sincerely
We have to pick positive threads and weave it neatly
It will be great tribute to our elderly statesman
They left behind for us a rich and healthy tradition
It is for us to judge the past and shape the destiny
Time may force us to explain our conduct to many
It is our duty to preserve
Assess the situation and observe
Freedom and past must be close to our mind
Yet another similar situation always too find
Embedded in memory and may not last
It is glorious past with memorable events
Preserved with honor as unforgettable counts
As the things can be clearly seen in mirror
History will site you mistakes and errors
It may not repeat in near future or for times to come
We take pride for being a part and welcome
How many bloody wars have been fought?
Was peace not explored or sought?
Why so much bitterness about past?
Why still not coming to terms very fast?
How can I forget that number of times country was invaded?
How can that easily it be wiped out that in problem we were landed?
The poverty, helplessness and backwardness come before like picture?
Making me restless with burning rage at heart for future
I am for sure and everybody will share
You can not equate past with future
The present is in between to balance
It must be thought over and given chance
We can't carry bitterness all along
History may not pardon us for pursuing wrong
If we had rich tradition in forgiving the evil and past
We must surely feel elated with very good start
We have witnessed hostility running in for decades
It has no reasons to be continued for indefinite days
Each passing day is proving costly and very deadly
We must learn lesson from it and end it immediately
It is invaluable treasure to have it as glorious history
New generation can take pride in not feel sorry
It is freedom and free environment that we intended to give
For our lapses they may surely understand forgive
History can be considered as past milestones
The present can not ignore it and consider as bye gone
We have come to stay here as inseparable part
Even thought it may be unworthy or glorious past
What does this indicate in particular?
Do we want to create the situation like similar?
It is thing of past and must be buried sincerely
We have to pick positive threads and weave it neatly
It will be great tribute to our elderly statesman
They left behind for us a rich and healthy tradition
It is for us to judge the past and shape the destiny
Time may force us to explain our conduct to many
It is our duty to preserve
Assess the situation and observe
Freedom and past must be close to our mind
Yet another similar situation always too find