Learn Stand Up Comedy and Make People Laugh!
In order to become a successful stand up comedian, it is important to be able to come up with good and original material.
Those who have seen Jerry Seinfeld rise to success from being a stand up comedian to the producer and actor of a runaway success sitcom will know the importance of good material.
So before you start thinking about props and gestures, you should sit down and come up with jokes and observations.
You should know how to write stand up comedy in order to hone your act and become successful.
When starting out, it is important to be patient and to not abandon the thought of becoming a comedian at the first instance of writer's block.
Once you are ready to sit down and write, think of everything that has happened to you the previous day.
You are certain to find at least one incident that you can write in a way to make it sound funny.
Make sure that you use action words as you will be performing your piece in front of an audience.
Another idea is to think about your family, friends or pets.
Try coming up with an adjective for each person or pet.
If you find any funny adjectives, make it the subject and elaborate upon it.
Spin the topic in a way that sounds funny; exaggeration is not looked down upon in this profession.
Before finalizing what you have written and practicing your performance, it is best to let a trusted friend read it and affirm that what you have written is indeed funny.
When you learn stand up, you should confine yourself to those topics that the audience are likely to relate to.
Although many comedians do make crude jokes, you should avoid them or at least keep them subtle.
Most people like the kind of jokes which they don't need to think about too much.
That, however, should not be taken to mean that you should only come up with slapstick jokes.
A few intelligent jokes won't do any harm and could actually get you noticed by critics.
So focus on writing first and when satisfied with material spend time practicing your performance.
Remember, substance is as important as style!
Those who have seen Jerry Seinfeld rise to success from being a stand up comedian to the producer and actor of a runaway success sitcom will know the importance of good material.
So before you start thinking about props and gestures, you should sit down and come up with jokes and observations.
You should know how to write stand up comedy in order to hone your act and become successful.
When starting out, it is important to be patient and to not abandon the thought of becoming a comedian at the first instance of writer's block.
Once you are ready to sit down and write, think of everything that has happened to you the previous day.
You are certain to find at least one incident that you can write in a way to make it sound funny.
Make sure that you use action words as you will be performing your piece in front of an audience.
Another idea is to think about your family, friends or pets.
Try coming up with an adjective for each person or pet.
If you find any funny adjectives, make it the subject and elaborate upon it.
Spin the topic in a way that sounds funny; exaggeration is not looked down upon in this profession.
Before finalizing what you have written and practicing your performance, it is best to let a trusted friend read it and affirm that what you have written is indeed funny.
When you learn stand up, you should confine yourself to those topics that the audience are likely to relate to.
Although many comedians do make crude jokes, you should avoid them or at least keep them subtle.
Most people like the kind of jokes which they don't need to think about too much.
That, however, should not be taken to mean that you should only come up with slapstick jokes.
A few intelligent jokes won't do any harm and could actually get you noticed by critics.
So focus on writing first and when satisfied with material spend time practicing your performance.
Remember, substance is as important as style!