Yeast Infection in Children
If you are a parent, you are not a stranger to finding a red, painful rash on your child's behind every once in a while. Usually you rub some cream on, thinking it is a diaper rash, but rather than getting better, the rash only seems to be spreading. What's going on here?
The situation above is a common yeast infection that occurs in children. Other yeast infections that are seen in children are athlete's foot, thrush, hives, eczema, digestive infections, and even ear infections. Each type of yeast infection comes with their own telling signs, but definitely be on the look out for what may seem to be chronic diaper rash, white "milk curd"-like substances in the mouth (thrush) and if your child has had colic for over 3 months.
So just how do yeast infections happen in the first place? A yeast infection is, in fact, a fungal infection. Our bodies have millions of fungi on us, as well as other microorganisms, which all coexist with each other in a balance that is healthy. If that balance is disrupted, however, then illness can occur. Some reasons why children in particular get a yeast infection are if they are on antibiotics or steroid treatments for another illness, if they are breastfeeding and their mother has a yeast infection, or if they already have a lowered immunity due to another illness.
Children who are old enough to tell you that they are not feeling well may also ask for more sweet or bread-like snacks, suffer from headaches, have a persistent cough or have nasal congestion. Some teachers have reported children with yeast infections appearing drowsier and having a decreased attention span.
Since a child's immune system is not fully developed, there are far more threats out there that can cause them illness. To compound the problem, children are exposed to other children who are also more prone to illness, so the problem is far more serious with kids than it is with adults.
The good news is that a yeast infection can be prevented for the most part simply through what you are feeding your child. Keep your child away from peanuts, peanut products, corn and yeast. Limit any other foods that may contain mycotoxins, such as bananas, as these help feed the fungus. Include some yogurt, as it has probiotics in it that naturally fight off yeast infections. Just follow some basic preventable measures and your child will do fine. If however the infections are more serious then more potent treatments must be utilized.
The situation above is a common yeast infection that occurs in children. Other yeast infections that are seen in children are athlete's foot, thrush, hives, eczema, digestive infections, and even ear infections. Each type of yeast infection comes with their own telling signs, but definitely be on the look out for what may seem to be chronic diaper rash, white "milk curd"-like substances in the mouth (thrush) and if your child has had colic for over 3 months.
So just how do yeast infections happen in the first place? A yeast infection is, in fact, a fungal infection. Our bodies have millions of fungi on us, as well as other microorganisms, which all coexist with each other in a balance that is healthy. If that balance is disrupted, however, then illness can occur. Some reasons why children in particular get a yeast infection are if they are on antibiotics or steroid treatments for another illness, if they are breastfeeding and their mother has a yeast infection, or if they already have a lowered immunity due to another illness.
Children who are old enough to tell you that they are not feeling well may also ask for more sweet or bread-like snacks, suffer from headaches, have a persistent cough or have nasal congestion. Some teachers have reported children with yeast infections appearing drowsier and having a decreased attention span.
Since a child's immune system is not fully developed, there are far more threats out there that can cause them illness. To compound the problem, children are exposed to other children who are also more prone to illness, so the problem is far more serious with kids than it is with adults.
The good news is that a yeast infection can be prevented for the most part simply through what you are feeding your child. Keep your child away from peanuts, peanut products, corn and yeast. Limit any other foods that may contain mycotoxins, such as bananas, as these help feed the fungus. Include some yogurt, as it has probiotics in it that naturally fight off yeast infections. Just follow some basic preventable measures and your child will do fine. If however the infections are more serious then more potent treatments must be utilized.