How to Copy Information From a Computer to a DVD-R Back-Up
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Screenshot showing selected directories for backup
First, some basics.
Backing up to DVD Blank disks require that both the disk player/recorder must be same format, either "+" or "-." Some equipment can read/write to both formats, but the "-R" format is the most common. Some disks are also sold as being "RW." That means that they can be written to and erased many times, much like a floppy disk. However, these disks are significantly more expensive and are not suggested for archival (backup) use.
Most PC users utilize the Windows XP operating system, and it does not lend itself to making DVD backups natively. The good news is that the manufacturer of the computer's drive probably included basic burning software as part of the purchase price. Check owner documentation for this software name and location on the hard drive.
If not, go a Google search on the Internet for "free DVD Burning Software" and research what meets your needs. One of the favorites is "Deep Burner" ( which offers free and professional versions.
Some users may opt for more powerful software such as that sold by NERO ( .) This package offers a myriad of choices to expand the use of your DVD burner, but it costs $59.95. If backing up your data is all that's needed, stick to free software.
Finally, there is an old saying that "if you only have one copy of your data, you don't have a copy." If possible, always make two copies of your DVD backups and place the second one in an off-site location for safety. - 2). Make the backups. Software makes backing up data to a DVD a snap. All packages offer the option of backing up entire hard drives, (this may require multiple DVDs), individual folders (directories) or individual files. Choice is as simple as pointing and clicking with a mouse.
1.Place a blank DVD in the correct drive.
2.Open the backup software and navigate to the hard drive on which your data is located.
3.Folders or directories to be backed up are usually clicked once. Depending on software, if you choose multiple folders, holding down the "ctrl" (control) key may be required.
4.If choosing individual files inside folders, double-click the folder and then single-click the file(s) to be backed up.
5.Most software will present an accrued total of file sizes chosen for backup. Most DVDs are 4.6 gigabytes (compared to about 700 megabytes on a CD).
6.Once that step is completed, click on the icon to burn or backup the data (make sure "close disk" is selected) and within a few minutes your data will be backed up onto the DVD. - 3). Once the disk completes burning, a notification comes on screen, usually asking if another copy is wanted. Close the software and immediately open the DVD to ensure all files were copied correctly.
The Basics