Airline Travel During Pregnancy
- Most doctors recommend all long distance travel, including by air, be discontinued no later than 34 weeks of pregnancy. This ensures the mom is close to her doctors and the hospital if labor should begin.
- The Mayo Clinic recommends checking with your doctor if you have health conditions such as sickle cell disease, severe anemia and placental disruption before flying.
- Buckle up with the lap belt resting below your abdomen and not across it. When moving around, maintain your balance by using the seat backs for support, as turbulence can be sudden and unexpected.
- According to the Mayo Clinic, air pressure in the cabin should not be a concern for pregnant women. Your body will naturally adjust without harm to the fetus.
- As allowed, walk around at least once an hour to help with swelling and circulation. Also, remain well hydrated, as dehydration in pregnancy can trigger preterm labor.