The Omega 3 Depression Link
As someone who is keenly interested in fish oils and all the healthy benefits they bring, I recently came across a book reviewers comments that referred to the omega 3 depression link.
The actual book author has written extensively on the subject and provides this shockingly, truthful statement.
"Major depression is one of the most common and deadly of the mental illnesses, afflicting millions of Americans each year; one of every six people can expect to suffer major depression at some point during their lifetime.
" A sobering fact indeed and I'm sure we all know someone close to us, friend or family, who may have experienced such an illness.
The book itself went on to explain how our modern day diet has literally saddled us with obesity related diseases and ailments, which are leaving us with a heavy financial burden in treatments and medical interventions.
It also goes on to highlight the all important point of what we're lacking in our daily diet, and mentions this omega 3 depression link.
The thinking is that dietary deficiencies are affecting our brain chemistry and leading to the possibility of us suffering anxiety disorders and depression.
Further work in this area is ongoing and certainly worthwhile, as some studies have also linked the lack of this essential fatty acid to memory loss and a range of cognitive functions that worsen without it.
So, by increasing your intake of omega 3 fish oils via diet or supplementation, your brain health may well be improved.
The actual book author has written extensively on the subject and provides this shockingly, truthful statement.
"Major depression is one of the most common and deadly of the mental illnesses, afflicting millions of Americans each year; one of every six people can expect to suffer major depression at some point during their lifetime.
" A sobering fact indeed and I'm sure we all know someone close to us, friend or family, who may have experienced such an illness.
The book itself went on to explain how our modern day diet has literally saddled us with obesity related diseases and ailments, which are leaving us with a heavy financial burden in treatments and medical interventions.
It also goes on to highlight the all important point of what we're lacking in our daily diet, and mentions this omega 3 depression link.
The thinking is that dietary deficiencies are affecting our brain chemistry and leading to the possibility of us suffering anxiety disorders and depression.
Further work in this area is ongoing and certainly worthwhile, as some studies have also linked the lack of this essential fatty acid to memory loss and a range of cognitive functions that worsen without it.
So, by increasing your intake of omega 3 fish oils via diet or supplementation, your brain health may well be improved.