OHV Impound Law in Utah
- Operating an OHV while intoxicated is a serious crime in Utah and guarantees the vehicle gets impounded and driver arrested. Fines and even jail time can follow.
- The Utah Bureau of Land Management provides maps of OHV-friendly areas at all its offices and locations. Any driving of OHVs in other areas can result in an OHV being impounded and the driver fined. Even in an OHV-friendly area, excessive or blatant damage of the environment can result in the vehicle being seized and impounded.
- Violation of safety rules for OHV use in Utah can also result in the vehicles being impounded. Not using lights at dawn or dusk, or failure to use red or orange whip flags while riding through sand dunes are the two most common violations. Sometimes this will only result in a warning, but at that point any ranger has the authority to seize and impound the vehicles.
Environmental Damage
Lights & Whip Flags