The Best Herbs for A Naturally Long Lasting Erection
Today we are going to talk about how you can get a bigger and harder erection the natural way.
A lot of man made drugs on the market now have many unwanted side effects.
These can also lead to high blood pressure.
Increasing the size of your erection naturally is very simple to understand.
So lets take a quick look into these herbs and their function.
If you want to have a hard erect penis your body needs to produce a certain amount of Nitric Oxide.
Without this it would be impossible to achieve one.
Its main function is to relax and let more blood flow into the penis by making the blood levels bigger.
Unfortunately nitric oxide decreases as men get to their 30's and 40's.
This is normal and out of one's control, however there are natural supplements that you can take that have Horny Goat Weed, Cnidium, and Ginseng.
These three things have been proven to increase levels of NO.
you can also take whats called L' Arginine.
This amino acid creates nitric oxide in the body, unlike Viagra which just inhibits the destruction of nitric oxide.
All of the above mentioned items are 100% natural and safe.
If you are looking to increase sexual desire you will have to increase your levels of testosterone.
Both males and females have testosterone and in order to want and keep going during sex you have to have it.
This also decreases with age, so the best things that you can take to increase your levels are Horny Goat Weed, Tribulus and Tongkat Ali.
A lot of man made drugs on the market now have many unwanted side effects.
These can also lead to high blood pressure.
Increasing the size of your erection naturally is very simple to understand.
So lets take a quick look into these herbs and their function.
If you want to have a hard erect penis your body needs to produce a certain amount of Nitric Oxide.
Without this it would be impossible to achieve one.
Its main function is to relax and let more blood flow into the penis by making the blood levels bigger.
Unfortunately nitric oxide decreases as men get to their 30's and 40's.
This is normal and out of one's control, however there are natural supplements that you can take that have Horny Goat Weed, Cnidium, and Ginseng.
These three things have been proven to increase levels of NO.
you can also take whats called L' Arginine.
This amino acid creates nitric oxide in the body, unlike Viagra which just inhibits the destruction of nitric oxide.
All of the above mentioned items are 100% natural and safe.
If you are looking to increase sexual desire you will have to increase your levels of testosterone.
Both males and females have testosterone and in order to want and keep going during sex you have to have it.
This also decreases with age, so the best things that you can take to increase your levels are Horny Goat Weed, Tribulus and Tongkat Ali.