What is the Best Snowboard Gear For You As a Snowboarder?
The best gear to have for snowboarding: As a beginner to snowboarding what should you look for when buying new gear? Maybe also you have been snowboarding for a very long time but are not sure exactly how to look for gear that is right for you! Let's first start with what are some of the best snowboard companies in the industry.
Burton 2.
Rome 3.
Forum 4.
Ride Sometimes in snowboarding the company you pick is the company that fits you and your budget.
Although some companies do specialize and make a little better of one thing than the other company.
Burton is known in snowboarding as the king.
They make every very good but it is sometimes more expensive.
Most of the time Burton snowboard gear is top notch and you cannot go wrong.
Rome Snowboards is an excellent company that has only be around for a few years.
They actually got started when a few of the snowboard designers for Burton became fed up with Burton, these designers went on to develop their own company "Rome".
So looking for great snowboards, Rome makes top of the line snowboards and are usually a little cheaper.
Forum and Ride also make great great.
Forum is known for its boards and boots.
Forum creates a board that the bindings can be moved very quickly for riders who snowboard in different types of terrain.
Ride is a good company who makes good snowboard gear and is usually cheaper than the other companies.
Once you have found the company that fits you its going to be finding the correct type of board.
There are park boards, rail boards, and mountain boards.
In snowboarding having the correct type of board is extremely important.
Sometimes pipe, park or rail snowboards can all be used in one category as a "park" snowboard.
Although if you really want the best setup, figure out what you want to do the most of and stick a snowboard under your feet that is made specifically for that type of snowboarding.
Next, after your snowboard is picked out boots are second most important.
As a snowboard instructor I use to tell my students that spend all your money on boots! Snowboarding is 90% done through your feet.
Not your body or your legs, just your feet.
You should have a great set of boots that no only transfers your foot movement to the board but also just simply keeps your warm and comfortable.
Bindings are important but I feel are least important.
Most bindings do the same thing, its just important to get the right site.
Some bindings are also lighter, If you are going to be doing a lot of park snowboarding, get light bindings.
If you are going to be doing a lot of trail and mountain riding then get something durable.
Usually in Snowboarding the gear that is best for you is what 100% fits, is comfortable, in budget and will do what you want it to do.
So many times as an instructor in the park I find students with a board that are way to big and incorrect for them.
They then wonder why they cannot do very well.
Somethings to look for in fit for a snowboard.
For trails and mountain look for a board that comes to your chin.
For park or pipe snowboarders look for a board that will come to your shoulders.
I hope this has helped you this winter when going to get new gear.
Remember, having the correct equipment is usually better than having the "best snowboard".
Burton 2.
Rome 3.
Forum 4.
Ride Sometimes in snowboarding the company you pick is the company that fits you and your budget.
Although some companies do specialize and make a little better of one thing than the other company.
Burton is known in snowboarding as the king.
They make every very good but it is sometimes more expensive.
Most of the time Burton snowboard gear is top notch and you cannot go wrong.
Rome Snowboards is an excellent company that has only be around for a few years.
They actually got started when a few of the snowboard designers for Burton became fed up with Burton, these designers went on to develop their own company "Rome".
So looking for great snowboards, Rome makes top of the line snowboards and are usually a little cheaper.
Forum and Ride also make great great.
Forum is known for its boards and boots.
Forum creates a board that the bindings can be moved very quickly for riders who snowboard in different types of terrain.
Ride is a good company who makes good snowboard gear and is usually cheaper than the other companies.
Once you have found the company that fits you its going to be finding the correct type of board.
There are park boards, rail boards, and mountain boards.
In snowboarding having the correct type of board is extremely important.
Sometimes pipe, park or rail snowboards can all be used in one category as a "park" snowboard.
Although if you really want the best setup, figure out what you want to do the most of and stick a snowboard under your feet that is made specifically for that type of snowboarding.
Next, after your snowboard is picked out boots are second most important.
As a snowboard instructor I use to tell my students that spend all your money on boots! Snowboarding is 90% done through your feet.
Not your body or your legs, just your feet.
You should have a great set of boots that no only transfers your foot movement to the board but also just simply keeps your warm and comfortable.
Bindings are important but I feel are least important.
Most bindings do the same thing, its just important to get the right site.
Some bindings are also lighter, If you are going to be doing a lot of park snowboarding, get light bindings.
If you are going to be doing a lot of trail and mountain riding then get something durable.
Usually in Snowboarding the gear that is best for you is what 100% fits, is comfortable, in budget and will do what you want it to do.
So many times as an instructor in the park I find students with a board that are way to big and incorrect for them.
They then wonder why they cannot do very well.
Somethings to look for in fit for a snowboard.
For trails and mountain look for a board that comes to your chin.
For park or pipe snowboarders look for a board that will come to your shoulders.
I hope this has helped you this winter when going to get new gear.
Remember, having the correct equipment is usually better than having the "best snowboard".