Treating Life-Threatening Allergies
Treating Life-Threatening Allergies
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that needs emergency medical treatment. It can happen in seconds or even hours after contact with something you’re allergic to, like foods, insect venom, latex, or medication. In rare cases, exercise and physical activity also can trigger anaphylaxis.
Call 911 immediately if you think someone has symptoms of anaphylaxis. These may include:
Relief for Allergies at School
Help your child manage allergies at school with these tips. Help Kids Claim Their Fame: Kids with allergies or asthma can excel in sports. But they won't have stamina if allergies are uncontrolled. Make sure kids take medications! Circle of Support: Help kids get support at school. Meet with teachers, the nurse, and the coach to discuss the child's allergies or asthma. Develop a game plan. Game Plan: Give the school nurse an "allergy card" with critical details -- your child's allergy...
Read the Relief for Allergies at School article > >
If the person has an epinephrine injector, don’t wait to use it, even if you are unsure that the symptoms are allergy related. It will not hurt him and may save his life.. The drug will stop symptoms for a few minutes, but it isn’t a cure. Call 911, even if he seems to be OK after getting the epinephrine.
Epinephrine is a strong, fast-acting medication. It’s given with an easy-to-use auto-injector and is available by prescription only.
Call 911 immediately if you think someone has symptoms of anaphylaxis. These may include:
Recommended Related to Allergies
Relief for Allergies at School
Help your child manage allergies at school with these tips. Help Kids Claim Their Fame: Kids with allergies or asthma can excel in sports. But they won't have stamina if allergies are uncontrolled. Make sure kids take medications! Circle of Support: Help kids get support at school. Meet with teachers, the nurse, and the coach to discuss the child's allergies or asthma. Develop a game plan. Game Plan: Give the school nurse an "allergy card" with critical details -- your child's allergy...
Read the Relief for Allergies at School article > >
- Hoarseness
- Tightness in the throat
- Wheezing, or trouble breathing or swallowing
- Hives
- Swollen eyes or lips
- Runny nose
- Dizziness
- Abdominal pain or diarrhea
- Confusion
- Anxiety
If the person has an epinephrine injector, don’t wait to use it, even if you are unsure that the symptoms are allergy related. It will not hurt him and may save his life.. The drug will stop symptoms for a few minutes, but it isn’t a cure. Call 911, even if he seems to be OK after getting the epinephrine.
How to Use an Epinephrine Injector
Epinephrine is a strong, fast-acting medication. It’s given with an easy-to-use auto-injector and is available by prescription only.
- Inject the drug at the first sign of a reaction and call 911 right away. Don’t move the person unless he’s in an unsafe place.
- Have him sit down, lie down, or stay in the most comfortable position for breathing.
- Stay calm.
- Be aware that epinephrine may cause short-term symptoms that are like those of anaphylaxis.
- If an insect stinger is present, remove it with a gentle brushing motion. Don’t pinch the stinger. That could release more venom.
- Listen and watch to make sure he’s breathing.
- If you’re trained in CPR, give it if needed. If he has asthma as well as allergies, you can give him his inhaler, but only after he’s had the epinephrine.
- You can give a second shot of epinephrine if symptoms don’t go away.
Tips for Life With an Auto-Injector
- Keep the device in a dark place and at room temperature.
- Check the expiration date regularly. If expired, replace it. But remember, it's better to use expired epinephrine in an emergency than nothing at all.
- If the auto-injector has a window, check the liquid. If it isn’t clear, replace the unit.
- Have more than one auto-injector with you at all times. Have two auto-injectors available at school, if your child has allergies. Wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace.
- If your child has allergies, write an anaphylaxis emergency action plan for his teachers and other adults he spends time with. Be certain that the school nurse stores and uses epinephrine properly.