Plant Based Calcium Vs The Norm
We all know that calcium is good for our bones.
Probably because we've heard it about a million times since we were kids! "Drink your milk, it's good for your bones.
" What we probably haven't heard about quite as often is that calcium has a ton of additional benefits-and milk isn't the only (or even the best) way to get it.
Did you know that calcium...
Isn't only good for keeping your bones strong, but also your teeth? Teeth are technically bones, except they're much more dense than our skeletons.
Calcium can help prevent tooth decay, which has to make you wonder why dentists don't push the stuff more often.
Can dramatically reduce symptoms of PMS? Endocrinologists have long known that calcium can ward off PMS.
Essentially, if you don't have enough running around in your system, the hormones that normally interact with a healthy amount calcium can interfere quite negatively with estrogen and progesterone.
In English that translates to "more calcium = less cranky.
" Has the potential to help you stay slim? Perhaps it's time for weight watchers to stop giving dairy products the cold shoulder; studies are beginning to indicate that calcium can help your metabolism, which means that more fat is being burned instead of being stored (usually in all the wrong places).
If you don't often find yourself in the mood to be drinking sixteen ounces of milk or eating two cups of spinach every day, calcium supplements might be the right way for you to take advantage of all of these great benefits.
Let's take a moment and examine a couple of important things you should know before you start to take calcium supplements.
Two Kinds of Calcium Generally speaking, calcium supplements are made with two different types of calcium: calcium citrate and calcium carbonate.
To explain the difference, you first need to understand that calcium is broken down by stomach acids after you ingest it (just like everything else, other than the penny you ate as a kid that was never "discovered").
When we eat a meal, our stomach produces more acid in order to break down and digest our food.
Since it's alkaline-based, calcium carbonate needs more stomach acid in order to be absorbed properly-you'll want to take this kind of supplement alongside a meal.
On the other hand, calcium citrate doesn't need as much stomach acid to be broken down, so you can take it whenever you want.
Consider your schedule and eating habits before deciding which kind is best for you.
Be Careful! Calcium is very good for you, but taking too much can be bad for you.
Reports vary-so you should absolutely confer with your nutritionist or doctor-but usually you'll want to consume somewhere in the range of 600 to 800mg of calcium per day.
Very high doses of calcium have been shown to potentially increase the risk of heart disease.
As with all things in life, moderation is key.
Probably because we've heard it about a million times since we were kids! "Drink your milk, it's good for your bones.
" What we probably haven't heard about quite as often is that calcium has a ton of additional benefits-and milk isn't the only (or even the best) way to get it.
Did you know that calcium...
Isn't only good for keeping your bones strong, but also your teeth? Teeth are technically bones, except they're much more dense than our skeletons.
Calcium can help prevent tooth decay, which has to make you wonder why dentists don't push the stuff more often.
Can dramatically reduce symptoms of PMS? Endocrinologists have long known that calcium can ward off PMS.
Essentially, if you don't have enough running around in your system, the hormones that normally interact with a healthy amount calcium can interfere quite negatively with estrogen and progesterone.
In English that translates to "more calcium = less cranky.
" Has the potential to help you stay slim? Perhaps it's time for weight watchers to stop giving dairy products the cold shoulder; studies are beginning to indicate that calcium can help your metabolism, which means that more fat is being burned instead of being stored (usually in all the wrong places).
If you don't often find yourself in the mood to be drinking sixteen ounces of milk or eating two cups of spinach every day, calcium supplements might be the right way for you to take advantage of all of these great benefits.
Let's take a moment and examine a couple of important things you should know before you start to take calcium supplements.
Two Kinds of Calcium Generally speaking, calcium supplements are made with two different types of calcium: calcium citrate and calcium carbonate.
To explain the difference, you first need to understand that calcium is broken down by stomach acids after you ingest it (just like everything else, other than the penny you ate as a kid that was never "discovered").
When we eat a meal, our stomach produces more acid in order to break down and digest our food.
Since it's alkaline-based, calcium carbonate needs more stomach acid in order to be absorbed properly-you'll want to take this kind of supplement alongside a meal.
On the other hand, calcium citrate doesn't need as much stomach acid to be broken down, so you can take it whenever you want.
Consider your schedule and eating habits before deciding which kind is best for you.
Be Careful! Calcium is very good for you, but taking too much can be bad for you.
Reports vary-so you should absolutely confer with your nutritionist or doctor-but usually you'll want to consume somewhere in the range of 600 to 800mg of calcium per day.
Very high doses of calcium have been shown to potentially increase the risk of heart disease.
As with all things in life, moderation is key.