New Years Resolutions - A New Decade
When making our resolutions, we first must be realistic with them. We can't say that one of our goals is to be seven feet tall by the end of the year because it just isn't going to happen. In the same way we can't say that we're going to buy a new car when we have no money and no job.
The ability to be successful with our new year's resolutions will be more likely if we are very specific when making up our goals. Instead of saying that we want to decorate the master bedroom, be specific as to what steps we will take to accomplish what we wish. If our resolution is to have more money by the end of the year, set step-by-step ways to improve our financial situation so that we can accomplish this goal by perhaps looking for a better paying job; taking a second job; discovering ways to economize and save or possibly looking for a roommate. These suggestions could well be some possible solutions.
If we want to lose forty pounds by the end of the year, we can determine how we will do this. We could try cutting out sugar in our coffee or tea; taking smaller portions; avoiding fries and gravy; avoiding all fried foods; taking sweet treats out of our diet; drinking water instead of pop and setting up an exercise program and actively participating in it.
If we wish to quit smoking by a certain date, we can decide whether we are going to quit cold turkey, or use the gum, patch or pill form of nicotine control. If we decide to either cut down on our drinking or to quit entirely; how will we do this? The main decision will be whether or not we are going to quit drinking completely. If we decide to cut back, we must then decide to what extent we will do this. How much will we drink? Two drinks only on Saturdays? We must always be specific so that we have definite guidelines to help us stick to our resolutions.
Once we have made up our New Year's Resolutions, we should tape them in an area where we will always be able to see them. It won't help if they are put away never to be looked at again. Also, if we tell others what our resolutions are, they are more likely to be accomplished. By doing this, we may occasionally be asked how we are doing with them. This will help us to maintain motivation towards our eventual success.
The most common resolutions are to stop smoking or drinking, to lose weight or to have more money. Other self-improvement or advantageous resolutions could be to make more time for family, to learn a new language or skill, to save up for a trip or a cruise, to start a university education, to become a volunteer, to get a better job, to try to live a more healthy lifestyle, to try to be a better person or to be more environmentally conscientious. Other resolutions may not be so lofty. They may be to sew some pillows for the family room, to take the dog for a walk every evening, to plant colorful annuals in the front planter or to phone our mother every weekend. Whatever they are it will be important to be specific and to put them in a place where they will be a constant reminder to us.
If we sincerely wish to get rid of old habits, improve our lives or become better people, there is no better time to begin these projects than at the beginning of a new year and especially a new decade. Good luck to everyone.
The ability to be successful with our new year's resolutions will be more likely if we are very specific when making up our goals. Instead of saying that we want to decorate the master bedroom, be specific as to what steps we will take to accomplish what we wish. If our resolution is to have more money by the end of the year, set step-by-step ways to improve our financial situation so that we can accomplish this goal by perhaps looking for a better paying job; taking a second job; discovering ways to economize and save or possibly looking for a roommate. These suggestions could well be some possible solutions.
If we want to lose forty pounds by the end of the year, we can determine how we will do this. We could try cutting out sugar in our coffee or tea; taking smaller portions; avoiding fries and gravy; avoiding all fried foods; taking sweet treats out of our diet; drinking water instead of pop and setting up an exercise program and actively participating in it.
If we wish to quit smoking by a certain date, we can decide whether we are going to quit cold turkey, or use the gum, patch or pill form of nicotine control. If we decide to either cut down on our drinking or to quit entirely; how will we do this? The main decision will be whether or not we are going to quit drinking completely. If we decide to cut back, we must then decide to what extent we will do this. How much will we drink? Two drinks only on Saturdays? We must always be specific so that we have definite guidelines to help us stick to our resolutions.
Once we have made up our New Year's Resolutions, we should tape them in an area where we will always be able to see them. It won't help if they are put away never to be looked at again. Also, if we tell others what our resolutions are, they are more likely to be accomplished. By doing this, we may occasionally be asked how we are doing with them. This will help us to maintain motivation towards our eventual success.
The most common resolutions are to stop smoking or drinking, to lose weight or to have more money. Other self-improvement or advantageous resolutions could be to make more time for family, to learn a new language or skill, to save up for a trip or a cruise, to start a university education, to become a volunteer, to get a better job, to try to live a more healthy lifestyle, to try to be a better person or to be more environmentally conscientious. Other resolutions may not be so lofty. They may be to sew some pillows for the family room, to take the dog for a walk every evening, to plant colorful annuals in the front planter or to phone our mother every weekend. Whatever they are it will be important to be specific and to put them in a place where they will be a constant reminder to us.
If we sincerely wish to get rid of old habits, improve our lives or become better people, there is no better time to begin these projects than at the beginning of a new year and especially a new decade. Good luck to everyone.