How to Save Money by Carpooling to Work
- 1). Try to establish a carpool with someone from your own company first. Contact your human relations department and see if it provides carpooling links or information.
- 2). Look up "Carpool" in the business section of your phone book.
- 3). Look up your state's Department of Transportation in the government pages of the phone book.
- 4). Post an ad on your work or community bulletin board. Screen callers carefully.
- 5). Pick someone who lives close to you and works similar hours.
- 6). Discuss the basics. Are you going to take turns driving, or is someone going to drive and the other pay? What will the payment schedule be?
- 7). Establish a time schedule. Make a rule - the carpool only waits 5 minutes past schedule for latecomers.
- 8). Decide on the food, radio and smoking rules.
- 9). Establish a backup plan for days when someone has to leave early or stay late. Many carpool registries have programs that offer taxi rides home when you're stuck.