Mothers Day Gifts- What" s Hot And What"s Not
With mothers day getting closer and closer, stores have really started piling it all on with window displays and special discounts. Restaurants are offering special deals for mothers day dinners and florists have announced their newest (and possibly highest) prices. Most people don't realize that mothers day is coming until the month of May of actually starts and this year they'll only have eight days to plan something because mothers day is on May 9, 2010.
Mothers day is the holiday that attracts the largest amount of spending after Christmas but surprisingly the variety of gifts for this holiday are limited. Few companies will focus on launching a special product especially targeting this day which means that year after year, people will be buying more or less the same gifts for moms with a possible variation in the size or color of the gift. The floral industry makes it big on mothers day for this very redundant gift giving pattern. Here is a list of three gifts that have lost their appeal over time but are consistently given as gifts because of limited choice.
Jewelry at one point was considered the gift give to any mom. If a woman received jewelry from her spouse or her kids on Mother's day, she was considered to be one loved mom. Today companies mass produce gimmick jewelry in smaller variations of popular designs and people buy it because they think jewelry has become affordable when in reality the jewelry is just as expensive but hardly original. This is one gift that's seriously lost its charm.
The price of flowers has increased drastically but holidays is a time when it pushes up even further so that the simple gift you always knew was good for your mom now costs you more than it really should. For everyone pressed for choice, flowers (with their ridiculously high prices) are an easy solution; unfortunately this solution is just not worth it anymore.
When jewelry was still expensive and unaffordable, people insisted that handmade items were the way to go to surprise your mom. Today what's really a handmade gift except you buying different things at a craft store and gluing it together? There are very few crafts that are now made 100% from scratch into gifts for moms.
While the quality of these once popular gifts has dropped and the cost increased, there are other gifts that are now becoming popular and are worth the price you pay for them. One of these gifts being mothers day fruit baskets. Fruit baskets are a wholesome gift to give your mom, ones that are actually worth their price and that moms can enjoy. If you're not on board with fruit baskets because they don't look that good, you can always try fruit bouquets. Fruit bouquets cost roughly what the average flower bouquet costs but they make a better gift. They're available in all sorts of mothers day arrangements and are made with fresh fruit covered in chocolate. The ones with chocolate dipped strawberries and dipped pineapples are the most popular.
Mothers day is the holiday that attracts the largest amount of spending after Christmas but surprisingly the variety of gifts for this holiday are limited. Few companies will focus on launching a special product especially targeting this day which means that year after year, people will be buying more or less the same gifts for moms with a possible variation in the size or color of the gift. The floral industry makes it big on mothers day for this very redundant gift giving pattern. Here is a list of three gifts that have lost their appeal over time but are consistently given as gifts because of limited choice.
Jewelry at one point was considered the gift give to any mom. If a woman received jewelry from her spouse or her kids on Mother's day, she was considered to be one loved mom. Today companies mass produce gimmick jewelry in smaller variations of popular designs and people buy it because they think jewelry has become affordable when in reality the jewelry is just as expensive but hardly original. This is one gift that's seriously lost its charm.
The price of flowers has increased drastically but holidays is a time when it pushes up even further so that the simple gift you always knew was good for your mom now costs you more than it really should. For everyone pressed for choice, flowers (with their ridiculously high prices) are an easy solution; unfortunately this solution is just not worth it anymore.
When jewelry was still expensive and unaffordable, people insisted that handmade items were the way to go to surprise your mom. Today what's really a handmade gift except you buying different things at a craft store and gluing it together? There are very few crafts that are now made 100% from scratch into gifts for moms.
While the quality of these once popular gifts has dropped and the cost increased, there are other gifts that are now becoming popular and are worth the price you pay for them. One of these gifts being mothers day fruit baskets. Fruit baskets are a wholesome gift to give your mom, ones that are actually worth their price and that moms can enjoy. If you're not on board with fruit baskets because they don't look that good, you can always try fruit bouquets. Fruit bouquets cost roughly what the average flower bouquet costs but they make a better gift. They're available in all sorts of mothers day arrangements and are made with fresh fruit covered in chocolate. The ones with chocolate dipped strawberries and dipped pineapples are the most popular.