Promote Yourself More Successfully
One of the great challenges for independent professionals and small businesses, especially when starting out, is generating visibility to ultimately lead to generating sales.
One of the specific challenges, I have found, is knowing what to say about yourself and your operations and services when asked so what do you do? Have you ever stumbled over your words when asked what you do? Have you ever received the response, Oh, I see, followed by silence? Do you ever feel as though you do not know what to say about yourself? I am reminded of the elevator speech theory (I do not know to whom to attribute its invention), which simply poses if you were in a lift that opens on the tenth floor and in walks Bill Gates who asks what you do what would you say, and you have only until the elevator gets to the bottom? I have personally struggled with this at times, and equally have found that when I get it right, results flow which initially could be as simple yet important of getting more time to converse with the person asking the question of you.
A great resource I have used to achieve greater results, is the Marketing Plan Workbook from Action Plan Marketing, authored by Robert Middleton.
This FREE workbook, which can be accessed through globizdev.
com details a range of excellent strategies to market yourself, including how to deal with the elevator speech concept.
By using the techniques within this FREE publication I have been able to clearly articulate what I do; present an elevator speech concisely and in the language that opens up further conversation; increased by success at gaining appointments with key decision makers all of which has led to an increase in revenue.
The Marketing Plan Workbook takes you through a range of exercises to assist you attract, and keep, new clients.
By working through this 24-page workbook, you will: 1.
Develop a core marketing message 2.
Learn to say your core marketing message 3.
Develop an executive summary for your business 4.
Develop a set of marketing options web, print, speaking, writing 5.
Refine a range of sales techniques for your business Will the Marketing Plan Workbook guarantee your success?Of course not your success is up to you.
From my personal experience in using this workbook, and by further investing in other Action Plan Marketing products, I have certainly seen a growth in my success.
It was up to me, but why do it alone, when such excellent tools exist.
Get your FREE Marketing Plan Workbook at globizdev.
com under Additional Resources For You.
Promote yourself more successfully meldunn.
au [http://www.
One of the specific challenges, I have found, is knowing what to say about yourself and your operations and services when asked so what do you do? Have you ever stumbled over your words when asked what you do? Have you ever received the response, Oh, I see, followed by silence? Do you ever feel as though you do not know what to say about yourself? I am reminded of the elevator speech theory (I do not know to whom to attribute its invention), which simply poses if you were in a lift that opens on the tenth floor and in walks Bill Gates who asks what you do what would you say, and you have only until the elevator gets to the bottom? I have personally struggled with this at times, and equally have found that when I get it right, results flow which initially could be as simple yet important of getting more time to converse with the person asking the question of you.
A great resource I have used to achieve greater results, is the Marketing Plan Workbook from Action Plan Marketing, authored by Robert Middleton.
This FREE workbook, which can be accessed through globizdev.
com details a range of excellent strategies to market yourself, including how to deal with the elevator speech concept.
By using the techniques within this FREE publication I have been able to clearly articulate what I do; present an elevator speech concisely and in the language that opens up further conversation; increased by success at gaining appointments with key decision makers all of which has led to an increase in revenue.
The Marketing Plan Workbook takes you through a range of exercises to assist you attract, and keep, new clients.
By working through this 24-page workbook, you will: 1.
Develop a core marketing message 2.
Learn to say your core marketing message 3.
Develop an executive summary for your business 4.
Develop a set of marketing options web, print, speaking, writing 5.
Refine a range of sales techniques for your business Will the Marketing Plan Workbook guarantee your success?Of course not your success is up to you.
From my personal experience in using this workbook, and by further investing in other Action Plan Marketing products, I have certainly seen a growth in my success.
It was up to me, but why do it alone, when such excellent tools exist.
Get your FREE Marketing Plan Workbook at globizdev.
com under Additional Resources For You.
Promote yourself more successfully meldunn.
au [http://www.