True Blood Vs Twilight - Which Has the Bigger Bite?
Two of the biggest and most anticipated paromantasy series are making (or have made) their debut this month.
True Blood hit the small screen on June 13th with its season 3 premiere, and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse hits the big screen on June 30th.
My question to you is: Which is the ultimate vamp saga: True Blood or Eclipse? The battle of the Twilighters and True Blooders has been raging on, both with huge followings.
This doesn't mean that the Twilighters aren't fans of True Blood, or vice-verse - it's just the debate of which one is the better of the two series, both in literature and on-screen.
Twilighters are fierce in their support, as seen by Twilight's complete take over at the MTV Movie Awards this past Sunday.
True Blood is not slacking in the awards arena, with both an Emmy and a Golden Globe under its belt.
It is also clear that neither phenomenon is going anywhere.
Alan Ball confirmed in January that True Blood will be back for a fourth season and Wyck told the Times earlier this year that Breaking Dawn is going forward (still not sure if it will be one movie or two), and shooting will begin this Fall.
So, what's the verdict? If you ask me: True Blood wins - Hands Down! Wait! Before you hit send on the hate email you just put together, hear me out.
Don't get me wrong - I love the Twilight Saga and consider myself a Superfang, but True Blood has it all: Action, Romance, Mystery, Horror, plus it is just plain steamy.
Vamps and Werewolves are scary, sinister and sexy - which is pretty much why we love them.
True Blood brings this to the forefront making you love them and fear them at the same time.
Key Examples: Remember when sensitive and tranquil vampire Bill went a little loco and killed Sookie's molesting uncle - wasn't that the sweetest and scariest thing you ever saw?! How about Eric Northman? Do I even have to give you an example? That vamp is walking danger and sex on very long legs (sorry, you can clearly tell who my paromantasy vamp is).
Twilight can be the complete opposite.
It does have moments of action, but it is essentially a love story, without the added bonus of gore and suspense.
We can pretty much predict what is going to happen from beginning to end.
Even the fans out there have to admit that it can also get down right depressing at times! Remember the scene where Bella sat at the window for months after Edward left - ugh.
I was screaming at her to get up and get over it already.
Sorry, that part just ticked me off.
That leads me to the next bit; True Blood characters are just more entertaining.
Let's take a look: Bella vs.
Sookie Sookie can be ditzy and downright annoying at times, but she doesn't take crap from anyone (or anything!).
She sticks up for what she believes in and isn't afraid to take the bull by the horns, or should I say the vamps by their fangs.
This lady is fierce when she wants to be.
Plus, she can read minds and that's hot.
Bella is the complete opposite.
She's smart and shy, but she is too dependent on others.
Come on - Admit it! When she lost Edward, her world turned upside down.
She was pretty much the walking dead, which is funny cause isn't that Edward's job:) She stood in that crazy zombie state until she started hanging out with Jacob.
When Jacob wanted to ditch her, Bella nearly went insane again - she begged him not to leave her.
Not cool! Like I said before, Bella and Sookie are complete opposites.
Bella's power: The vamps can't read her mind.
Winner is: Sookie Leading Men Do you prefer a vamp that sparkles or is completely dead in the sunlight? Do you prefer a vamp who will recite poetry to you or a vamp that will make you scream poetry in the bedroom (if you catch my drift)? When you look at the leading male characters of Bill and Edward, determining a clear winner is pretty hard.
These two are particularly similar.
Two vamps that want to go against the grain and lead "normal" lives.
They want to better themselves instead of becoming the monsters that you hear about in scary stories.
They are both intelligent, old fashioned and are very protective of their ladies.
Both are melancholy and a little to blah for my taste.
That is why I am team Eric and team Jacob! Winner is: Tie.
They are too much alike to call a clear winner Lady Stealer You can't have a paromantasy without throwing in a love triangle.
Not to worry: Eric and Jacob are here to give us the drama we want.
Eric: Ah, Eric.
What can I say about him? He is walking sex, danger and evil, with a hidden soft spot in that non-beating heart of his.
Isn't that an oxy moron for you? He locks up and tortures Lafayette one minute, then saves Sookie and cries for Godric in the next.
His character leaves you on your toes at all times.
Do you trust him or not? Are his intentions pure or does he just want something from you? Is he hot or is he hot? Okay, that last one doesn't make sense.
The point is: with Eric, nothing is predictable, nothing is straightforward and everything is erotic and sexy.
This is why we love him.
Men want to be him and ladies; well we want to do much, much more to him;-) Jacob: He is the lovable werewolf who will die defending the people he loves, especially Bella.
He is both immature and mature for his age.
This is confusing, but true.
When it comes to Bella he is naive, but when it comes to life - he gets the big picture.
This werewolf is cute with an edge.
Winner is: Eric.
Did you even have to ask?! This one is no contest.
Supporting Cast True Blood This is where things get interesting.
True Blood has a huge array of characters that are all interesting, entertaining and down right funny.
Case in point: Lafayette.
Who doesn't love the flamboyant gay guy who can be your makeup artists, stylist and your bodyguard all at the same time? He dances, wears makeup and can throw a killer punch.
He is the manliest guy in a skirt and I love him.
Jason: He is the dumb, hot, athletic blonde brother of Sookie whose main goal is to get laid any chance he gets.
He is funny and strong.
A trouble seeker, but loyal to those he loves - sweet and incredibly stupid.
He is the ladies man whose escapades leave us dying, figuratively and literally.
Tara: She is a complete aggressor.
She will take on the world, but is also quite gullible.
I must admit that she is not my favorite character and I prefer the books version of Tara to the TV version, but there is also never a dull moment in her life and that makes for great entertainment.
Pam: Eric's sidekick may not be a regular, but when she is on - she is memorable.
She is classy, pretty, snarky, witty and sarcastic all wrapped up with a comically evil bow.
This fashionista vamp can take a crowd down in seconds without wrinkling her outfits or messing up her shoes, except when she was looking for Maryanne - wasn't that part funny.
She is also hot, but don't underestimate her.
She'll eat your kids for dinner - literally.
Jessica: She is the newly made vamp that is driving Bill crazy.
She came on the scene and was an instant fan favorite.
Why? She is funny and sexy - innocent and wild.
Plus, teens are crazy as it is - teen vamps are just insane.
Hey, even Eric couldn't deal with her, and that is saying something.
The Werewolves: They are coming to town this season and those familiar with the novels have already been introduced to them.
They are strong, fierce and incredibly hot.
For those who haven't been keeping up with TB news, the character of Alcide has this last requirement down pact.
Take a look: Twilight The supporting cast in Twilight is just that: a supporting cast - Alice aside.
None of the Cullen clan is given the chance to really connect with the audience.
Sure you catch a glimpse of them here and get a word from them there, but they are never given the opportunity to shine.
They are potential that is completely stifled.
Personalities are not really shown and other than Alice, none are really extraordinary.
Just to be fair, I'll go over the Cullen's anyway.
Alice: She is lively and vivacious.
Fierce and lovable (did you see her snap James' neck - so yes, I did mean fierce).
She can also predict the future, which is just awesome.
I love her character because she demands attention.
She is the cutest, sweetest vamp you'll meet, plus she has a sense of style.
Carlisle: He is the caring "father" that is the head of the Cullen clan.
He is devoted to his family and friends.
He is like a doctor vamp angel and you just got to love that! Esme: She is the "mom" of the Cullen clan and is pretty much the female version of Carlisle.
She's patient, loving and angelic (except for the fact that she hunts and drinks animal blood).
Jasper: He is the newly made vamp who is not as restrained in his desire for human blood.
He constantly looks like he's in pain or smelled something really funky because of this desire to kill.
Emmett: He is the golden boy of the Cullen brood.
He's athletic, modern, loves cars and is super hot.
Too bad he only has two lines per movie.
At least he is great to look at! Rosalie: She is the designated bitch of the clan and I personally love her.
She is straightforward and is very vocal in her dislike for Bella (although that does change later on).
If you want an honest answer and/or opinion - this is the girl to go to! Winner is: True Blood Plot True Blood addresses a number of underlying issues, while giving us the nail biting, hair pulling, adrenaline / heart pumping action that keeps us on our toes.
They tackle racism, segregation, religion, and vamp rights in society.
Twilight gives us the typical forbidden romance with the normal background of vamps hiding amongst the humans and battling a few evil human blood spilling vamps that threaten society.
The only twist is that they can come out during the day, but even that is not fun because they sparkle, which causes them to hide on sunny days.
Winner: True Blood Final Verdict True Blood and Twilight are like their respective vampire bites.
True Blood vamp bites are erotic, dangerous and mind blowing, while a bite by a Twilight vamp pretty much leaves you lifeless or turns you into a cold one.
As for me: I prefer hot and dangerous.
The Ultimate Winner Is: True Blood! The fans seem to agree with me.
On a poll given on my Paromantasy website, True Blood held the crown with a whopping 90% of voters voting for them over Twilight.
True Blood hit the small screen on June 13th with its season 3 premiere, and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse hits the big screen on June 30th.
My question to you is: Which is the ultimate vamp saga: True Blood or Eclipse? The battle of the Twilighters and True Blooders has been raging on, both with huge followings.
This doesn't mean that the Twilighters aren't fans of True Blood, or vice-verse - it's just the debate of which one is the better of the two series, both in literature and on-screen.
Twilighters are fierce in their support, as seen by Twilight's complete take over at the MTV Movie Awards this past Sunday.
True Blood is not slacking in the awards arena, with both an Emmy and a Golden Globe under its belt.
It is also clear that neither phenomenon is going anywhere.
Alan Ball confirmed in January that True Blood will be back for a fourth season and Wyck told the Times earlier this year that Breaking Dawn is going forward (still not sure if it will be one movie or two), and shooting will begin this Fall.
So, what's the verdict? If you ask me: True Blood wins - Hands Down! Wait! Before you hit send on the hate email you just put together, hear me out.
Don't get me wrong - I love the Twilight Saga and consider myself a Superfang, but True Blood has it all: Action, Romance, Mystery, Horror, plus it is just plain steamy.
Vamps and Werewolves are scary, sinister and sexy - which is pretty much why we love them.
True Blood brings this to the forefront making you love them and fear them at the same time.
Key Examples: Remember when sensitive and tranquil vampire Bill went a little loco and killed Sookie's molesting uncle - wasn't that the sweetest and scariest thing you ever saw?! How about Eric Northman? Do I even have to give you an example? That vamp is walking danger and sex on very long legs (sorry, you can clearly tell who my paromantasy vamp is).
Twilight can be the complete opposite.
It does have moments of action, but it is essentially a love story, without the added bonus of gore and suspense.
We can pretty much predict what is going to happen from beginning to end.
Even the fans out there have to admit that it can also get down right depressing at times! Remember the scene where Bella sat at the window for months after Edward left - ugh.
I was screaming at her to get up and get over it already.
Sorry, that part just ticked me off.
That leads me to the next bit; True Blood characters are just more entertaining.
Let's take a look: Bella vs.
Sookie Sookie can be ditzy and downright annoying at times, but she doesn't take crap from anyone (or anything!).
She sticks up for what she believes in and isn't afraid to take the bull by the horns, or should I say the vamps by their fangs.
This lady is fierce when she wants to be.
Plus, she can read minds and that's hot.
Bella is the complete opposite.
She's smart and shy, but she is too dependent on others.
Come on - Admit it! When she lost Edward, her world turned upside down.
She was pretty much the walking dead, which is funny cause isn't that Edward's job:) She stood in that crazy zombie state until she started hanging out with Jacob.
When Jacob wanted to ditch her, Bella nearly went insane again - she begged him not to leave her.
Not cool! Like I said before, Bella and Sookie are complete opposites.
Bella's power: The vamps can't read her mind.
Winner is: Sookie Leading Men Do you prefer a vamp that sparkles or is completely dead in the sunlight? Do you prefer a vamp who will recite poetry to you or a vamp that will make you scream poetry in the bedroom (if you catch my drift)? When you look at the leading male characters of Bill and Edward, determining a clear winner is pretty hard.
These two are particularly similar.
Two vamps that want to go against the grain and lead "normal" lives.
They want to better themselves instead of becoming the monsters that you hear about in scary stories.
They are both intelligent, old fashioned and are very protective of their ladies.
Both are melancholy and a little to blah for my taste.
That is why I am team Eric and team Jacob! Winner is: Tie.
They are too much alike to call a clear winner Lady Stealer You can't have a paromantasy without throwing in a love triangle.
Not to worry: Eric and Jacob are here to give us the drama we want.
Eric: Ah, Eric.
What can I say about him? He is walking sex, danger and evil, with a hidden soft spot in that non-beating heart of his.
Isn't that an oxy moron for you? He locks up and tortures Lafayette one minute, then saves Sookie and cries for Godric in the next.
His character leaves you on your toes at all times.
Do you trust him or not? Are his intentions pure or does he just want something from you? Is he hot or is he hot? Okay, that last one doesn't make sense.
The point is: with Eric, nothing is predictable, nothing is straightforward and everything is erotic and sexy.
This is why we love him.
Men want to be him and ladies; well we want to do much, much more to him;-) Jacob: He is the lovable werewolf who will die defending the people he loves, especially Bella.
He is both immature and mature for his age.
This is confusing, but true.
When it comes to Bella he is naive, but when it comes to life - he gets the big picture.
This werewolf is cute with an edge.
Winner is: Eric.
Did you even have to ask?! This one is no contest.
Supporting Cast True Blood This is where things get interesting.
True Blood has a huge array of characters that are all interesting, entertaining and down right funny.
Case in point: Lafayette.
Who doesn't love the flamboyant gay guy who can be your makeup artists, stylist and your bodyguard all at the same time? He dances, wears makeup and can throw a killer punch.
He is the manliest guy in a skirt and I love him.
Jason: He is the dumb, hot, athletic blonde brother of Sookie whose main goal is to get laid any chance he gets.
He is funny and strong.
A trouble seeker, but loyal to those he loves - sweet and incredibly stupid.
He is the ladies man whose escapades leave us dying, figuratively and literally.
Tara: She is a complete aggressor.
She will take on the world, but is also quite gullible.
I must admit that she is not my favorite character and I prefer the books version of Tara to the TV version, but there is also never a dull moment in her life and that makes for great entertainment.
Pam: Eric's sidekick may not be a regular, but when she is on - she is memorable.
She is classy, pretty, snarky, witty and sarcastic all wrapped up with a comically evil bow.
This fashionista vamp can take a crowd down in seconds without wrinkling her outfits or messing up her shoes, except when she was looking for Maryanne - wasn't that part funny.
She is also hot, but don't underestimate her.
She'll eat your kids for dinner - literally.
Jessica: She is the newly made vamp that is driving Bill crazy.
She came on the scene and was an instant fan favorite.
Why? She is funny and sexy - innocent and wild.
Plus, teens are crazy as it is - teen vamps are just insane.
Hey, even Eric couldn't deal with her, and that is saying something.
The Werewolves: They are coming to town this season and those familiar with the novels have already been introduced to them.
They are strong, fierce and incredibly hot.
For those who haven't been keeping up with TB news, the character of Alcide has this last requirement down pact.
Take a look: Twilight The supporting cast in Twilight is just that: a supporting cast - Alice aside.
None of the Cullen clan is given the chance to really connect with the audience.
Sure you catch a glimpse of them here and get a word from them there, but they are never given the opportunity to shine.
They are potential that is completely stifled.
Personalities are not really shown and other than Alice, none are really extraordinary.
Just to be fair, I'll go over the Cullen's anyway.
Alice: She is lively and vivacious.
Fierce and lovable (did you see her snap James' neck - so yes, I did mean fierce).
She can also predict the future, which is just awesome.
I love her character because she demands attention.
She is the cutest, sweetest vamp you'll meet, plus she has a sense of style.
Carlisle: He is the caring "father" that is the head of the Cullen clan.
He is devoted to his family and friends.
He is like a doctor vamp angel and you just got to love that! Esme: She is the "mom" of the Cullen clan and is pretty much the female version of Carlisle.
She's patient, loving and angelic (except for the fact that she hunts and drinks animal blood).
Jasper: He is the newly made vamp who is not as restrained in his desire for human blood.
He constantly looks like he's in pain or smelled something really funky because of this desire to kill.
Emmett: He is the golden boy of the Cullen brood.
He's athletic, modern, loves cars and is super hot.
Too bad he only has two lines per movie.
At least he is great to look at! Rosalie: She is the designated bitch of the clan and I personally love her.
She is straightforward and is very vocal in her dislike for Bella (although that does change later on).
If you want an honest answer and/or opinion - this is the girl to go to! Winner is: True Blood Plot True Blood addresses a number of underlying issues, while giving us the nail biting, hair pulling, adrenaline / heart pumping action that keeps us on our toes.
They tackle racism, segregation, religion, and vamp rights in society.
Twilight gives us the typical forbidden romance with the normal background of vamps hiding amongst the humans and battling a few evil human blood spilling vamps that threaten society.
The only twist is that they can come out during the day, but even that is not fun because they sparkle, which causes them to hide on sunny days.
Winner: True Blood Final Verdict True Blood and Twilight are like their respective vampire bites.
True Blood vamp bites are erotic, dangerous and mind blowing, while a bite by a Twilight vamp pretty much leaves you lifeless or turns you into a cold one.
As for me: I prefer hot and dangerous.
The Ultimate Winner Is: True Blood! The fans seem to agree with me.
On a poll given on my Paromantasy website, True Blood held the crown with a whopping 90% of voters voting for them over Twilight.