Getting Your Ex Back - The Simple Formula
Breaking up is painful as it is.
But that isn't even the hardest part...
The hardest part is realizing that it is possible to get another chance with your ex, but not knowing exactly how to go about it.
From here it's tapping in the dark...
After all, no one taught us in school, did they? There are some unconventional (yet very effective) techniques, that can reignite the desire and make your ex re-consider returning in your arms...
But you need to follow the right plan and do certain things that might seem counterintuitive at first (to say the least) Getting Your Ex Back - The Simple Formula Step 1) Don't act needy, desperate or clingy after the breakup, no matter how you feel inside.
asking, pleading, reasoning or begging might all be what we feel like doing...
but from a psychological point of view, that might be just about the worst possible tactic.
See, you can not force your ex to come back.
They have to WANT to come back to you...
That's the desired outcome.
If you act desperate or clingy, at best they will pity you...
which will still not make them want to be back in your arms...
Step 2) Break all contact with your ex for about 4 weeks.
No emails, no texting and no calling...
This step may sound a little unbelievable to you, but it's an important part in the puzzle.
See, your ex wanted the breakup and they felt uneasy about something.
Both of you need to clear your heads right now to avoid acting out of neediness and panic.
Your ex needs to miss you for a while...
so let them.
They will never realize that you are something special, if you are too easily and always available.
People want what they can't have, that's just how we are wired.
Not being available will make them incredibly curious and they will be thinking more often about you.
Let them think about you as much as possible.
Step 3) Even if you have to force yourself...
try looking after yourself and look the best you can.
I know you may feel like just shutting yourself in the house and not seeing anyone (I have done that before), but again it will send the worst possible signals to your ex.
Imagine how they will see you...
What do you think will they find more attractive...
A person that downs a bottle of wine just to go to sleep, hides from the world and has no intention in doing anything positive, but just sitting and waiting...
a person that tries to make the best out of the situation and looks to actively sort things out.
All those moves are counterintuitive, but they are more effective than you may think.
Building attraction, desire and curiosity is where you need to go...
Desperation and panic are your worst enemies! For some extra support, get together with some friends and people who will understand you, but don't pressure your ex.
After 4 weeks of no-contact are over, prepare for some situation where both of you can re-connect again.
Take it (slowly) from there.
But that isn't even the hardest part...
The hardest part is realizing that it is possible to get another chance with your ex, but not knowing exactly how to go about it.
From here it's tapping in the dark...
After all, no one taught us in school, did they? There are some unconventional (yet very effective) techniques, that can reignite the desire and make your ex re-consider returning in your arms...
But you need to follow the right plan and do certain things that might seem counterintuitive at first (to say the least) Getting Your Ex Back - The Simple Formula Step 1) Don't act needy, desperate or clingy after the breakup, no matter how you feel inside.
asking, pleading, reasoning or begging might all be what we feel like doing...
but from a psychological point of view, that might be just about the worst possible tactic.
See, you can not force your ex to come back.
They have to WANT to come back to you...
That's the desired outcome.
If you act desperate or clingy, at best they will pity you...
which will still not make them want to be back in your arms...
Step 2) Break all contact with your ex for about 4 weeks.
No emails, no texting and no calling...
This step may sound a little unbelievable to you, but it's an important part in the puzzle.
See, your ex wanted the breakup and they felt uneasy about something.
Both of you need to clear your heads right now to avoid acting out of neediness and panic.
Your ex needs to miss you for a while...
so let them.
They will never realize that you are something special, if you are too easily and always available.
People want what they can't have, that's just how we are wired.
Not being available will make them incredibly curious and they will be thinking more often about you.
Let them think about you as much as possible.
Step 3) Even if you have to force yourself...
try looking after yourself and look the best you can.
I know you may feel like just shutting yourself in the house and not seeing anyone (I have done that before), but again it will send the worst possible signals to your ex.
Imagine how they will see you...
What do you think will they find more attractive...
A person that downs a bottle of wine just to go to sleep, hides from the world and has no intention in doing anything positive, but just sitting and waiting...
a person that tries to make the best out of the situation and looks to actively sort things out.
All those moves are counterintuitive, but they are more effective than you may think.
Building attraction, desire and curiosity is where you need to go...
Desperation and panic are your worst enemies! For some extra support, get together with some friends and people who will understand you, but don't pressure your ex.
After 4 weeks of no-contact are over, prepare for some situation where both of you can re-connect again.
Take it (slowly) from there.