Twitter - Tweet About Things You Appreciate
Are you looking for more ideas for topics to Tweet about? Would you like to use Twitter in a positive way that ties in with the Law of Attraction and can help you grow your business too? Here is the basic idea: Write Tweets about people, products, services, and events that you appreciate.
It feels great to pass along a compliment and to provide heartfelt praise and appreciation.
This is a great way to activate the Law of Attraction, because what you focus on tends to expand.
By focussing on things that you appreciate, more good things to appreciate seem to just naturally be drawn to you.
Here are some ideas to get you started.
Tweet about a business that provided you with great service.
If you can be specific about what you appreciated, that's especially nice.
For example, were they extra friendly, especially thorough, or particularly attentive to your needs? This makes a great Tweet! 2.
If the person you want to compliment has a Twitter account, you can mention them on Twitter on Friday, as part of "FollowFriday.
" Just add #FF or #FollowFriday along with a note about why the person would be good for other people to "follow" on Twitter.
If a colleague or professional acquaintance helps you with a favor or with information, you can mention them and thank them on Twitter, perhaps including a link to their website if you have enough space in your Tweet.
When you use a product that you like, write a Tweet about it.
Mention specifically what you like about it.
You could also mention the brand or the manufacturer as well as the specific product or model number.
When you read an article or a book that you find helpful, write a quick Tweet about it.
If there is a link to an online webpage about it, you can include it in your Tweet too.
As you go through your day, notice things you are grateful for or that you appreciate.
Challenge yourself or make it a game to find at least one or two positive things you could Tweet about each day.
It feels great to pass along a compliment and to provide heartfelt praise and appreciation.
This is a great way to activate the Law of Attraction, because what you focus on tends to expand.
By focussing on things that you appreciate, more good things to appreciate seem to just naturally be drawn to you.
Here are some ideas to get you started.
Tweet about a business that provided you with great service.
If you can be specific about what you appreciated, that's especially nice.
For example, were they extra friendly, especially thorough, or particularly attentive to your needs? This makes a great Tweet! 2.
If the person you want to compliment has a Twitter account, you can mention them on Twitter on Friday, as part of "FollowFriday.
" Just add #FF or #FollowFriday along with a note about why the person would be good for other people to "follow" on Twitter.
If a colleague or professional acquaintance helps you with a favor or with information, you can mention them and thank them on Twitter, perhaps including a link to their website if you have enough space in your Tweet.
When you use a product that you like, write a Tweet about it.
Mention specifically what you like about it.
You could also mention the brand or the manufacturer as well as the specific product or model number.
When you read an article or a book that you find helpful, write a quick Tweet about it.
If there is a link to an online webpage about it, you can include it in your Tweet too.
As you go through your day, notice things you are grateful for or that you appreciate.
Challenge yourself or make it a game to find at least one or two positive things you could Tweet about each day.