Organic Food Gift Baskets - Giving the Gift of Health for Holidays
How to Give A Healthful Gift Our family and friends have always taken care of us.
So we need to express our gratitude towards them.
When you give a gift to someone it shows your love and appreciation towards them.
It is always difficult to decide on the right gift.
A healthful gift is a more thoughtful than giving a cash gift.
It makes the person feel special and pampered.
A healthful gift leaves long lasting impression on the gift receiver.
You want to buy a gift from a supermarket for your family or friend.
You are thinking to buy a food basket filled with fresh fruits, chocolates, and cookies.
In one hand, you are holding a normal food basket.
In your other hand, you are holding a food basket labeled 'organic'.
The nutritional values such as vitamins, carbohydrate, protein, sugar are the same on the label of organic and non organic food covers.
But the organic food basket has a label on it "USDA Organic".
Then what is the difference between organic and non organic.
You are in a dilemma which food basket you should buy.
You find the normal food basket has less cost.
You have heard the term 'organic' many times.
But don't know the real facts and health benefits.
The food we eat includes vegetable, fruits, grains, dairy products and meat.
The way it is processed defines the food as organic or non organic.
The farmers grow non-organic food conventionally.
Non-organic: • In the farming of non-organic food chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides are used for growing and preserving plants and vegetables.
• In the same way, non organic dairy products and meat products, animals are fed on conventional food.
The animals are injected with the artificial growth hormones and antibiotics.
So the body of the animal grows fast with more meat.
Also the animal produces more eggs and more milk.
• It is a wide conception that these chemicals are not good for our health.
A study shows that these chemicals cause cancer, Alzheimer's, and some birth defects.
Organic: • The organic farming is dedicated to the preservation of the environment, no use of chemicals, formulated fertilizers, growth hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides.
• Organic products are labeled as "USDA Organic".
USDA - United State Department of Agriculture regulates and certifies the organic farms and products.
USDA assures buyers the organic integrity of the product.
• Organic food is produced ecologically based practices such as cultural and biological pest management, exclusion of synthetic chemicals, antibiotics and hormones in crop and livestock production.
The health benefits: • Organics are becoming more and more popular with consumers.
A common logic behind this is chemicals used in non organic production also absorb in your body.
People are giving preference to eat organic products which is free from chemicals.
• People strongly believe that organic goods taste better than non organic.
The organic products such as fruits, eggs, milk, and yoghurt are very popular among people.
• The organic food production is environment friendly.
The organic farming reduces pollution such as air, soil, and water.
So we need to express our gratitude towards them.
When you give a gift to someone it shows your love and appreciation towards them.
It is always difficult to decide on the right gift.
A healthful gift is a more thoughtful than giving a cash gift.
It makes the person feel special and pampered.
A healthful gift leaves long lasting impression on the gift receiver.
You want to buy a gift from a supermarket for your family or friend.
You are thinking to buy a food basket filled with fresh fruits, chocolates, and cookies.
In one hand, you are holding a normal food basket.
In your other hand, you are holding a food basket labeled 'organic'.
The nutritional values such as vitamins, carbohydrate, protein, sugar are the same on the label of organic and non organic food covers.
But the organic food basket has a label on it "USDA Organic".
Then what is the difference between organic and non organic.
You are in a dilemma which food basket you should buy.
You find the normal food basket has less cost.
You have heard the term 'organic' many times.
But don't know the real facts and health benefits.
The food we eat includes vegetable, fruits, grains, dairy products and meat.
The way it is processed defines the food as organic or non organic.
The farmers grow non-organic food conventionally.
Non-organic: • In the farming of non-organic food chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides are used for growing and preserving plants and vegetables.
• In the same way, non organic dairy products and meat products, animals are fed on conventional food.
The animals are injected with the artificial growth hormones and antibiotics.
So the body of the animal grows fast with more meat.
Also the animal produces more eggs and more milk.
• It is a wide conception that these chemicals are not good for our health.
A study shows that these chemicals cause cancer, Alzheimer's, and some birth defects.
Organic: • The organic farming is dedicated to the preservation of the environment, no use of chemicals, formulated fertilizers, growth hormones, antibiotics, and pesticides.
• Organic products are labeled as "USDA Organic".
USDA - United State Department of Agriculture regulates and certifies the organic farms and products.
USDA assures buyers the organic integrity of the product.
• Organic food is produced ecologically based practices such as cultural and biological pest management, exclusion of synthetic chemicals, antibiotics and hormones in crop and livestock production.
The health benefits: • Organics are becoming more and more popular with consumers.
A common logic behind this is chemicals used in non organic production also absorb in your body.
People are giving preference to eat organic products which is free from chemicals.
• People strongly believe that organic goods taste better than non organic.
The organic products such as fruits, eggs, milk, and yoghurt are very popular among people.
• The organic food production is environment friendly.
The organic farming reduces pollution such as air, soil, and water.