The Power of Diets - For Curing Autism
A balanced diet is an assorted array of healthy carbohydrates, rich proteins, essential fats and daily doses of vitamins and the wonderful minerals; all in a quantity that is easily assimilated and utilised by the digestive system of the human body.
All of everything in a limited quantity is the mantra.
Eating or living your life on the juice of the bitterest vegetables or limiting your carbs and gorging on fruits will take you on a crash diet, crashing your body of its energy and vitality, while helping you look anorexic.
Yoga has taught us that we are what we eat.
Our stomach is the most ignored of the body part to an extent that all we do is feed it.
While the heart attack, liver jaundice, kidney failure or lung cancer are the most heard of scary diseases that we are familiar with, we go to extra lengths to take care.
No one has heard of stomach attack or cancer that we stop and care for the most sensitive of the organs.
Being small in size, the stomach must be nourished with the healthiest and best of everything to keep it running smooth and stress free.
A vegetarian diet is the most preferred of all, though non-vegetarian diet is a protein rich diet needed by our living cells.
In moderation, even the fats are in high demand by our body.
While the diet we eat determines the health of our bodies, certain diseases force us to avoid this and that.
With the right diet and good exercise and ample rest, everything can be cured.
The power of foods, naturally organic and pollution free foods have a renewing quality to our lives.
Disorders as mysterious as autism can to an extent by cared for and treated with the right amounts of food.
Certain foods contain the certain ingredients that stimulate our brains, keep us happy and elevate our moods.
These super foods must be ingested with the right amount of water, and in a healthy stress-free environment.
The symptoms of the dreaded autism spectrum disorder are weirdly and vaguely brain related and will benefit with the indulgence of brain stimulating foods.
The way we eat inspires and determines our life to a great extent.
Distractions from the television or the sounds of the mobile phone or the chatter of the next person is to be shunned.
We must savour each morsel with the awakening of all our senses.
Feel the touch of the food, smell the aroma of the flavours, enjoy the sight of the colours and then taste the depth of the spices with every bite.
That way, we are able to savour every bite of God's blessing and nourish our bodies with its goodness.
Autism in children or adults can be treated with natural food and available medication.
One part of the education for autistic children should be about awareness into rich and medicinal foods.
Children with autism must be encouraged and advised with healthy eating habits for a better living everyday.
All of everything in a limited quantity is the mantra.
Eating or living your life on the juice of the bitterest vegetables or limiting your carbs and gorging on fruits will take you on a crash diet, crashing your body of its energy and vitality, while helping you look anorexic.
Yoga has taught us that we are what we eat.
Our stomach is the most ignored of the body part to an extent that all we do is feed it.
While the heart attack, liver jaundice, kidney failure or lung cancer are the most heard of scary diseases that we are familiar with, we go to extra lengths to take care.
No one has heard of stomach attack or cancer that we stop and care for the most sensitive of the organs.
Being small in size, the stomach must be nourished with the healthiest and best of everything to keep it running smooth and stress free.
A vegetarian diet is the most preferred of all, though non-vegetarian diet is a protein rich diet needed by our living cells.
In moderation, even the fats are in high demand by our body.
While the diet we eat determines the health of our bodies, certain diseases force us to avoid this and that.
With the right diet and good exercise and ample rest, everything can be cured.
The power of foods, naturally organic and pollution free foods have a renewing quality to our lives.
Disorders as mysterious as autism can to an extent by cared for and treated with the right amounts of food.
Certain foods contain the certain ingredients that stimulate our brains, keep us happy and elevate our moods.
These super foods must be ingested with the right amount of water, and in a healthy stress-free environment.
The symptoms of the dreaded autism spectrum disorder are weirdly and vaguely brain related and will benefit with the indulgence of brain stimulating foods.
The way we eat inspires and determines our life to a great extent.
Distractions from the television or the sounds of the mobile phone or the chatter of the next person is to be shunned.
We must savour each morsel with the awakening of all our senses.
Feel the touch of the food, smell the aroma of the flavours, enjoy the sight of the colours and then taste the depth of the spices with every bite.
That way, we are able to savour every bite of God's blessing and nourish our bodies with its goodness.
Autism in children or adults can be treated with natural food and available medication.
One part of the education for autistic children should be about awareness into rich and medicinal foods.
Children with autism must be encouraged and advised with healthy eating habits for a better living everyday.