How to Decorate a Kitsch Christmas Tree
- 1). Buy a tree and set it up.
- 2). Put lights on it. Multicolored lights are a must for a kitsch tree.
- 3). Collect the materials you'll need: '50s-style plastic coffee cups, squirt guns, old Disney characters, souvenir spoons and swizzle sticks, vintage fishing lures and political campaign buttons - anything weird and relatively small and light will do. Church jumble or rummage sales and flea markets are your best sources - don't neglect the "broken" bins. And don't forget some string or cord to tie everything on.
- 4). Start with the biggest items, then move on to medium and smaller items, arranging as you go. Some items - toys with bendable arms, for example - will practically attach themselves. Use the string or cord to tie the rest of the items to the ends of branches.
- 5). Don't forget something special for the top.