How to Prepare Soil for Sod Grass
- 1). Remove existing grass and weeds from the area to be sodded. Strip the old grass with a turf stripper, which you can rent from a hardware store, or by sliding a shovel under the old turf and lifting it away.
- 2). Perform a soil pH test to determine the fertilizer needs for the soil, as all soil requires different levels of fertilization. Purchase a soil test at a garden center or have a more in-depth test performed by your county extension office.
- 3). Add limestone at the rate recommended by the soil test. Generally, 50 lbs. of limestone per 1,000 square feet is sufficient.
- 4). Apply fertilizer at the rate recommended by the soil test. If you did not perform a test, apply 1 lb. of nitrogen per 100 square feet, using a 10-20-10 or 18-24-6 analysis fertilizer.
- 5). Till the limestone and fertilizer into the top 6 inches of soil with a hand tiller or power tiller. Remove any large stones or roots uncovered during the tilling process.
- 6). Spread 2 inches of compost over the soil. Compost improves the quality of both clay and sandy soils. Till the compost into the top 4 inches of soil then smooth the surface before laying the sod.