How to Eliminate Bahia Grass
- 1). Set your lawn mower to its lowest setting. Mow back and forth across the lawn. Pick up any lawn debris, because it may contain Bahia seeds.
- 2). Apply an herbicide that contains metsulfuron. Use 1/3 oz. per acre. Dilute according to directions. Spray the herbicide evenly across the yard. Wait for the Bahia grass to turn brown and die.
- 3). Dig up the Bahia grass by wetting the lawn and pressing a shovel at least 6 inches underneath the dead grass to remove its entire root system. Throw away or burn dead grass.
- 4). Spray your lawn with a pre-emergent herbicide that is chemically formulated to prevent the seeds of Bahia grass from germinating.
- 5). Till the lawn to break up any large clumps of dirt. Hand pull any remaining Bahia grass. Roll over the lawn with a lawn roller and fill in any uneven spots within the lawn.