You think $9.99 is going to get you a great website.
You think $9.99 is going to get you a great website.
Many companies out there say you can get a robust website for only $9.99. I asked myself are they serious? They make several promises such as ease of design, a quick launch, easy editing. Many of these companies are running very slick ads on radio, TV, and magazines stating that they are the best option for businesses trying to get on the web. Their claims go further, with the easy implementation of email marketing, e-commerce, social media integration, and search engine optimization. They say your website will have all this for $9.99 a month. Usually if something sounds too good to be true it is. What these sites do not tell you is that they are going to fit your idea into one of their formulaic cookie-cutter templates.
Think about your business and how you want to set yourself apart, will a cookie-cutter do? The development of a website for your company is a major extension of your brand. Even though these sites may offer a quick way for you to develop a web presence, will it have the proper branding for growth and notoriety?
Many of the services make the claim that their e-commerce can start selling on day one. In many of the ads, there is no mention of the need for a merchant services account or at least PayPal. If you cannot accept payments, you cannot really sell anything online. To set up merchant services account usually takes more than a day.
Another area of concern is their claims about integration of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. The integration of social media is great for any entrepreneur on the web. Once again, they will forgot to disclose steps that it takes to set up the interaction to your site and social networks like Facebook and twitter. It is not as simple as just opening a box and putting something in.
One of the biggest boondoggles is the so-called ease of the unknown marketing. Some providers will say it easily to add a sign-up box on your website to collect e-mails. What they do not tell you if your site becomes big and you have hundreds if not thousands of people signing up is not using to reach out and touch them. Most Internet providers limit the number of packets i.e. emails and therefore unless you find a free service you will encur additional costs to send bulk e-mail and law compliant spam.
Your website is an extension of your brand, 24 /7/365 ambassador to the world. Your vision for your organization should be reflected in the website that is built. You have to decide early on what kind of business you want to be, one that crams your vision into somebody else's cookie-cutter or do you want to stand out from the crowd.
$9.99 most of the time is not the answer. Find a web developer that feels your vision and will offer a solution that you can manage and grow with. Just tell yourself, you will find a web developer that will suit your needs and you can easily afford.
Many companies out there say you can get a robust website for only $9.99. I asked myself are they serious? They make several promises such as ease of design, a quick launch, easy editing. Many of these companies are running very slick ads on radio, TV, and magazines stating that they are the best option for businesses trying to get on the web. Their claims go further, with the easy implementation of email marketing, e-commerce, social media integration, and search engine optimization. They say your website will have all this for $9.99 a month. Usually if something sounds too good to be true it is. What these sites do not tell you is that they are going to fit your idea into one of their formulaic cookie-cutter templates.
Think about your business and how you want to set yourself apart, will a cookie-cutter do? The development of a website for your company is a major extension of your brand. Even though these sites may offer a quick way for you to develop a web presence, will it have the proper branding for growth and notoriety?
Many of the services make the claim that their e-commerce can start selling on day one. In many of the ads, there is no mention of the need for a merchant services account or at least PayPal. If you cannot accept payments, you cannot really sell anything online. To set up merchant services account usually takes more than a day.
Another area of concern is their claims about integration of social media such as Facebook and Twitter. The integration of social media is great for any entrepreneur on the web. Once again, they will forgot to disclose steps that it takes to set up the interaction to your site and social networks like Facebook and twitter. It is not as simple as just opening a box and putting something in.
One of the biggest boondoggles is the so-called ease of the unknown marketing. Some providers will say it easily to add a sign-up box on your website to collect e-mails. What they do not tell you if your site becomes big and you have hundreds if not thousands of people signing up is not using to reach out and touch them. Most Internet providers limit the number of packets i.e. emails and therefore unless you find a free service you will encur additional costs to send bulk e-mail and law compliant spam.
Your website is an extension of your brand, 24 /7/365 ambassador to the world. Your vision for your organization should be reflected in the website that is built. You have to decide early on what kind of business you want to be, one that crams your vision into somebody else's cookie-cutter or do you want to stand out from the crowd.
$9.99 most of the time is not the answer. Find a web developer that feels your vision and will offer a solution that you can manage and grow with. Just tell yourself, you will find a web developer that will suit your needs and you can easily afford.