Golden Rain Tree Bark Problem
- Cankers are pink fungal lesions that cause decay along the golden rain's bark. Treatment involves pruning diseased areas and fertilizing monthly.
- Golden rain tree trunks are occasionally attacked by insects called scales. Scales feed on the bark, then excrete a nitrogenous compound known as black fungus. This fungus spreads, killing the tree. Insecticides are sprayed as treatment.
- Verticillium wilt is a fungus present in the soil that attacks the roots and bark, causing decay and wilting leaves. Fertilizer applied in early spring ensures healthy tree growth.
- Boxelder bugs damage the golden rain's bark by smearing excrement on the trunk and branches. Insecticides are usually sprayed for prevention during the spring and summer months.
- Red-shouldered bugs, also known as golden rain tree bugs, destroy the tree's bark by smearing acidic excrement on it. Insecticides are sprayed as treatment. If left untreated, bugs invade apartments during the winter months, staining walls, curtains and clothing.
Verticillium Wilt
Boxelder Bugs
Red-Shouldered Bugs