The Changing World of Online Competitions in Australia
In the world of free to enter competitions, the web has truly opened up the doors to consumers, allowing them to enter a greater number of competitions than ever before.
Gone are the days when peoples only option to enter a competition was to call or cut out a coupon and post it to the company offering the competition.
Now that took effort.
So it is definitely getting easier for the average punter out there.
Nowadays, what is required is for consumers to research different competitions available on the web through Google and listing websites, go to the website, fill in their details and click submit.
It's much easier.
Even more recently the advent of online competitions has opened the door to a new service, whereby a business charges for a monthly or yearly subscription for them to sign you up to hundreds if not thousands of competitions each year.
These automatic online competition entry services are considered quite polarising for people.
On one hand it seems somewhat unfair that a person, who takes the time to go out and find the competitions and enters themselves, has the same chance of winning as a person who doesn't even directly know what prizes they are in the draw for; On the other hand however, it just makes sense to use these services.
They save countless hours of what is essentially data entry for people and allows them to focus on competitions which the service is unable to cater for them such as 25 words or less or skill based competitions.
It also gives those who do not have the time to enter competitions and wouldn't normally think of entering online competitions a chance to be in the running to win a prize.
In Australia there are only a couple of serious automatic competition entry services available to people.
The oldest is www.
au, a service which signs members up to around 70 competitions a month for $30 a month.
The newest online competition entry service provider is www.
au, a service which signs members up to over 1000 competitions each year for a membership of $20 per year.
Given that there is great demand from consumers for online competitions and the time poor nature of modern life, it would be expected that such services will become quite popular and may result in new services popping up in the online competition market.
Gone are the days when peoples only option to enter a competition was to call or cut out a coupon and post it to the company offering the competition.
Now that took effort.
So it is definitely getting easier for the average punter out there.
Nowadays, what is required is for consumers to research different competitions available on the web through Google and listing websites, go to the website, fill in their details and click submit.
It's much easier.
Even more recently the advent of online competitions has opened the door to a new service, whereby a business charges for a monthly or yearly subscription for them to sign you up to hundreds if not thousands of competitions each year.
These automatic online competition entry services are considered quite polarising for people.
On one hand it seems somewhat unfair that a person, who takes the time to go out and find the competitions and enters themselves, has the same chance of winning as a person who doesn't even directly know what prizes they are in the draw for; On the other hand however, it just makes sense to use these services.
They save countless hours of what is essentially data entry for people and allows them to focus on competitions which the service is unable to cater for them such as 25 words or less or skill based competitions.
It also gives those who do not have the time to enter competitions and wouldn't normally think of entering online competitions a chance to be in the running to win a prize.
In Australia there are only a couple of serious automatic competition entry services available to people.
The oldest is www.
au, a service which signs members up to around 70 competitions a month for $30 a month.
The newest online competition entry service provider is www.
au, a service which signs members up to over 1000 competitions each year for a membership of $20 per year.
Given that there is great demand from consumers for online competitions and the time poor nature of modern life, it would be expected that such services will become quite popular and may result in new services popping up in the online competition market.