Have a Headache? Pop a Pill!
Once upon a time, when you got a headache, you looked around for the cause.
Some causes were very obvious.
On Sunday mornings, my husband, known to imbibe a few gin and tonics Saturday nights, would wake up clutching his head and moaning "I knew there was something wrong with that tonic water"..
Right! So that's one very obvious cause.
It's when the cause of your headache is not obvious, or you don't have the time or inclination to figure out where it came from that the problem arises.
You know the drill.
Have a headache? Pop a pill or four or so! Preferably a brand name pill, heavily advertised on TV.
Pills where the cost of manufacture is zero and where marketing costs are in the millions.
Big drug can afford lavish TV advertising for its products.
To sell one pain pill it will spend more than the GDP of many small countries.
And the TV ads work.
You see a beautiful woman clutching her head, in obvious pain.
The weight of the world is on her shoulders.
What can she do? Take a pill of course! The bottle is right there in the foreground, brand name carefully highlighted.
She takes the pill and voila! Headache gone! She's practically dancing.
Wow! Those pills really work! Right! In the real world, what happens? We get a headache.
We take the pills so heavily advertised on TV.
The pain of the headache is temporarily alleviated.
The headache is actually just sitting in a corner doing its knitting.
The temporary effect of the pills wears off.
We take more.
Then we need stronger pills and heavier doses.
Soon, we need a prescription for pain medication.
Luckily for us, we know exactly what to ask our doctor for.
It's another heavily advertised prescription medication.
Is this the answer? Of course not! The answer is a lot simpler, cheaper and healthier than that.
You feel a headache coming on.
It will not hit you like a sledgehammer.
You feel it coming; a general unease.
Where are you? Crouched over your computer, maybe? Neck tense? Shoulders knotted? Tension everywhere? Well, yes.
Right there, is the major cause of headache in the modern world.
Just once, don't reach into your desk drawer and extract your pain pills and swallow them unthinking.
Realize that your body is in knots and it's trying to tell you so.
Listen to it.
Get up.
If you're in a commercial office, walk to the outside door.
Take a few breaths.
Walk to the water cooler.
Drink two cups of water.
Stretch five times before returning to your desk.
See how that works? Rocket science! The world didn't end because you took a five minute break.
But the synapses firing off your headache subsided.
Your eyes cleared.
Your shoulders dropped from around your ears.
A neck rub is great too, but a bit difficult to get at the office.
If you work from home, oh lucky you! Take all the above steps but, if you have a garden, go outside.
Admire your glorious plants.
Have a few words with them.
Do a little weeding.
Return to your desk refreshed.
So, what just happened? We ignored the siren call of lethal chemicals and we soothed our tortured limbs and muscles all by ourselves.
This actually works for tension and stress headaches.
And it's so much healthier than ingesting chemicals passed as safe by the Keystone Cops in the FDA.
There are other headaches, of course, not succeptible to these particular natural remedies and I'll cover them in later articles.
But, for now, there is one instance I want to highlight: If you get a blinding headache, out of the blue, no warning at all, your first instinct is to lie down and hope it passes.
Call your PCP or the emergency services.
You need to be examined right away.
If you get a blinding headache without warning, act immediately.
Get help.
The sheer pace of our lives today causes all sorts of unease in our bodies.
Big Drug has a panacea for all the ills the befall us.
But it's not a panacea; it's not even a Band Aid.
It's a false fix and we need to get away from it.
Thanks to TV advertising, we're conditioned to think we should take a pill every time we feel less than on top of the world.
Not so.
Let's start with small natural steps and see if we can bring our bodies back to the glorious ease we had as children.
Some causes were very obvious.
On Sunday mornings, my husband, known to imbibe a few gin and tonics Saturday nights, would wake up clutching his head and moaning "I knew there was something wrong with that tonic water"..
Right! So that's one very obvious cause.
It's when the cause of your headache is not obvious, or you don't have the time or inclination to figure out where it came from that the problem arises.
You know the drill.
Have a headache? Pop a pill or four or so! Preferably a brand name pill, heavily advertised on TV.
Pills where the cost of manufacture is zero and where marketing costs are in the millions.
Big drug can afford lavish TV advertising for its products.
To sell one pain pill it will spend more than the GDP of many small countries.
And the TV ads work.
You see a beautiful woman clutching her head, in obvious pain.
The weight of the world is on her shoulders.
What can she do? Take a pill of course! The bottle is right there in the foreground, brand name carefully highlighted.
She takes the pill and voila! Headache gone! She's practically dancing.
Wow! Those pills really work! Right! In the real world, what happens? We get a headache.
We take the pills so heavily advertised on TV.
The pain of the headache is temporarily alleviated.
The headache is actually just sitting in a corner doing its knitting.
The temporary effect of the pills wears off.
We take more.
Then we need stronger pills and heavier doses.
Soon, we need a prescription for pain medication.
Luckily for us, we know exactly what to ask our doctor for.
It's another heavily advertised prescription medication.
Is this the answer? Of course not! The answer is a lot simpler, cheaper and healthier than that.
You feel a headache coming on.
It will not hit you like a sledgehammer.
You feel it coming; a general unease.
Where are you? Crouched over your computer, maybe? Neck tense? Shoulders knotted? Tension everywhere? Well, yes.
Right there, is the major cause of headache in the modern world.
Just once, don't reach into your desk drawer and extract your pain pills and swallow them unthinking.
Realize that your body is in knots and it's trying to tell you so.
Listen to it.
Get up.
If you're in a commercial office, walk to the outside door.
Take a few breaths.
Walk to the water cooler.
Drink two cups of water.
Stretch five times before returning to your desk.
See how that works? Rocket science! The world didn't end because you took a five minute break.
But the synapses firing off your headache subsided.
Your eyes cleared.
Your shoulders dropped from around your ears.
A neck rub is great too, but a bit difficult to get at the office.
If you work from home, oh lucky you! Take all the above steps but, if you have a garden, go outside.
Admire your glorious plants.
Have a few words with them.
Do a little weeding.
Return to your desk refreshed.
So, what just happened? We ignored the siren call of lethal chemicals and we soothed our tortured limbs and muscles all by ourselves.
This actually works for tension and stress headaches.
And it's so much healthier than ingesting chemicals passed as safe by the Keystone Cops in the FDA.
There are other headaches, of course, not succeptible to these particular natural remedies and I'll cover them in later articles.
But, for now, there is one instance I want to highlight: If you get a blinding headache, out of the blue, no warning at all, your first instinct is to lie down and hope it passes.
Call your PCP or the emergency services.
You need to be examined right away.
If you get a blinding headache without warning, act immediately.
Get help.
The sheer pace of our lives today causes all sorts of unease in our bodies.
Big Drug has a panacea for all the ills the befall us.
But it's not a panacea; it's not even a Band Aid.
It's a false fix and we need to get away from it.
Thanks to TV advertising, we're conditioned to think we should take a pill every time we feel less than on top of the world.
Not so.
Let's start with small natural steps and see if we can bring our bodies back to the glorious ease we had as children.