How to Make Your Own Supports for Tomato Plants
- 1). Remove the bottom 4 inches of horizontal wire from the concrete reinforcing wire using the bolt cutters. Make the cuts on the inside of the vertical wires. This creates "legs" that will be pushed into the ground.
- 2). Form a circle by bringing the ends of the concrete reinforcing wire together.
- 3). Secure the circle using zip ties every 4 to 6 inches. You now have a tomato cage that is 18 inches in diameter.
- 4). Store for winter by removing the zip ties and flattening the wire.
- 1). Plant your tomatoes in a row. Use the recommended spacing and planting depth for your tomato cultivar. The length of the row does not matter.
- 2). Place a wooden stake or rebar 3 to 4 inches from the base of each tomato plant, inserting to a depth of at least 1 foot. Place all the stakes on the same side of the row. Wait until your tomatoes are at least 4 inches tall before assembling the trellis.
- 3). Tie the end of the polypropylene cord around the end stake 4 to 6 inches above the soil. Wrap the cord 3 to 4 times around each stake until you reach the last stake in the row. Keep the cord taut.
- 4). Go back down the row on the opposite side of the tomato plants, again wrapping the cord around each stake three to four times. Try to keep the same tension on the cord between stakes. When you reach the last stake in the row, tie off the cord and cut it from the roll. The tomato plants will be held upright between the cords.
- 5). Allow your tomato plants to grow another 4 to 6 inches. Repeat steps 3 and 4. Continue doing this until you reach the top of the stakes. Don't worry if your indeterminate tomato varieties grow taller than the stakes, It is O.K. for the vines to droop over the top lines of polyproplene cords.
- 1). Plant your tomato plants as usual.
- 2). Place a stake, wooden or rebar, 3 to 4 inches from the base of each plant. Insert the stake at least 2 feet into the soil.
- 3). Secure the tomato plants loosely to the stake every 4 inches with elastic plant ties or plant clips. The bottom clip (the one closest to the soil) should be at least 3 inches above the soil.
Making a tomato cage
Making a tomato trellis
Simple tomato stakes