Things to Do When You're Extremely Bored at Work
- Come up with things to do when you're bored at work.langeweile image by Yvonne Bogdanski from
At work, you may have down time or be required to perform a tedious task, where you find yourself quite bored. Although it's tempting to look at the clock and wish for time to fly buy faster, there are many things to do when you're extremely bored at work that may make you more productive. - Declutter your work environment. Organizing your work space will help you pass time and become more productive by giving you more mental clarity. Simplify small items. For example, organize your desk papers according to their topics, place them into individual folders and store them inside the drawers of your desk. Put your office supplies in a location where they do not clutter your work space. Remove anything in your work environment that is a distraction.
- Educate yourself with the resources you have. Don't weaken your mind by sitting at work and doing nothing. Continue to gain knowledge by doing mental activities that stimulate your mind. Carry a novel with you to read when you have spare time. Writing is also another way to stimulate your mind, whether you write your thoughts during the day or your goals for the next week or month.
- Meditate at work. Even boredom at work can cause stress and frustration. When you meditate, you can relieve stress and boredom. Focus your mind on one object and remain focused on this object for a period of time. For example, gaze gently at the blank wall in front of you or at the ground in front of your feet and remain focused on that area. The more you do this, the less distracted you will be and the more relaxed and peaceful your body will be.