Social Media Marketing - Are You Doing The Right Thing?
A vast number of researches showed that Social Media Marketing, during the past year increasingly grew.
Almost 78% of businesses and companies are now promoting their products and services via the various social media platforms.
Hence, billions of people around the world; young or old are hooked with these social media platforms.
With the billions of photos shared via Facebook, thousands of pinned photos on Pinterest, millions of tweets and links on Tweeter - no wonder, creating two or more social media accounts is a real hype! Now, is it really possible for one business to generate sales via these social media sites? Will the strategy boost the number of visitors on my site? My answers are both YES.
However, there are some important things that one must consider before he or she gets in to Social Media Marketing: 1.
Spend Quality Time Online Social Media Marketing is not a quick thing to do.
It involves time, energy and commitment.
If you as the marketer do not have the time to market your products or services online, then don't expect that the people within your network would waste their time on you as well.
Contribute Something Valuable Share some useful facts, tips or knowledge through your social media network.
People love to know something new.
Hence, learning is a great thing - it would be worth their time.
See Yourself as an Expert Think about this; why would anyone take an advice from someone who doesn't know anything? If you want them to listen to you, then contribute something useful.
Thus, take time to learn new things and discover the things you haven't discovered yet.
Position yourself as the expert.
Take time to contribute valuable advices to your network.
Be Authentic This should not simply be all about selling, earning and continuous self-promotion.
People hate spamming.
More so, it's really not a good practice.
Not only that it's annoying, but also it will make you sound like - "Hey, I just want to have a sale and take your money.
So c'mon, visit my site!" Would you allow that to happen? Just be real.
Be authentic.
People love humor and wittiness.
Draw some things based on your experiences and knowledge.
Communicate and share your thoughts.
For sure, you will definitely accomplish your goal.
Connect and Build Relationships Try to connect to your viewers and followers.
However, given that you're being followed does not necessarily mean that you have the right to interrogate or interrupt with their lives.
Fans and followers are not required to listen every time you want to say something.
Take time to communicate with them on the right manner, and start building the trust.
Almost 78% of businesses and companies are now promoting their products and services via the various social media platforms.
Hence, billions of people around the world; young or old are hooked with these social media platforms.
With the billions of photos shared via Facebook, thousands of pinned photos on Pinterest, millions of tweets and links on Tweeter - no wonder, creating two or more social media accounts is a real hype! Now, is it really possible for one business to generate sales via these social media sites? Will the strategy boost the number of visitors on my site? My answers are both YES.
However, there are some important things that one must consider before he or she gets in to Social Media Marketing: 1.
Spend Quality Time Online Social Media Marketing is not a quick thing to do.
It involves time, energy and commitment.
If you as the marketer do not have the time to market your products or services online, then don't expect that the people within your network would waste their time on you as well.
Contribute Something Valuable Share some useful facts, tips or knowledge through your social media network.
People love to know something new.
Hence, learning is a great thing - it would be worth their time.
See Yourself as an Expert Think about this; why would anyone take an advice from someone who doesn't know anything? If you want them to listen to you, then contribute something useful.
Thus, take time to learn new things and discover the things you haven't discovered yet.
Position yourself as the expert.
Take time to contribute valuable advices to your network.
Be Authentic This should not simply be all about selling, earning and continuous self-promotion.
People hate spamming.
More so, it's really not a good practice.
Not only that it's annoying, but also it will make you sound like - "Hey, I just want to have a sale and take your money.
So c'mon, visit my site!" Would you allow that to happen? Just be real.
Be authentic.
People love humor and wittiness.
Draw some things based on your experiences and knowledge.
Communicate and share your thoughts.
For sure, you will definitely accomplish your goal.
Connect and Build Relationships Try to connect to your viewers and followers.
However, given that you're being followed does not necessarily mean that you have the right to interrogate or interrupt with their lives.
Fans and followers are not required to listen every time you want to say something.
Take time to communicate with them on the right manner, and start building the trust.